Recent content by ramneek619

  1. R

    Clevo Laptops in India

    i wanna buy a laptop which can run games smoothly at max settings and be future proof as well as be in a reachable price range
  2. R

    Clevo Laptops in India

    i think i'll wait for GTX 680m to release then i'll decide the thing is that buying a clevo/sager is a gamble but its awesome config for much less price I configured the sager NP(9150) on sager's site and the total price + shipping came at around $2200 = Rs. 1,17,000 and the config is as...
  3. R

    Post your mobile internet (2G/3G/Wifi) speeds here

    i was downloading using utorrent. avg speed comes around 150kbps depending on torrent quality but my record speed is 1.8 Mbps pic included. my ISP is ION i stay im MIT Manipal Hostel we have wifi here
  4. R

    Clevo Laptops in India

    @sam....thnx buddy will keep that in mind. @sujay and saswat..... im thinking of getting either the clevo p170em or the asus g75vw-ds72 specs are as follows P170 EM: CLEVO - Products Asus G75VW : ASUS - Notebooks- ASUS G75VW the g75vw also comes with a gtx670m 3gb gddr5...
  5. R

    Clevo Laptops in India

    Hi, i would like to knw if i can purchase a Clevo or a Sager laptop in India They have very good configs and at affordable prices
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