Recent content by piyush gupta

  1. piyush gupta

    Official Nokia 5800 XpressMusic discussion thread

    But when I check with my product code on * It says no updates avail. How can I update my 5800 to V20
  2. piyush gupta

    Philips GoGear SA-3115 review

    Hi, I had lost my device manager software version 2.5.7. If you have that could you please send me ASAP as my GoGear needs a repair and its not wokring at all
  3. piyush gupta

    10 strange coincidences

    Impossible is nothing..... aree bhai main nahin kehta adidas ka slogan hai
  4. piyush gupta

    Google Fight !!!

    You vs me 0 results
  5. piyush gupta

    All TAMIL "Map's" here...

    ^^You can download them and write in Cds Or try some shops in spencers or in Burma market...
  6. piyush gupta

    >> Valentine Day <<

    how many malyali girls u have f*** before saying me dumbo... from where r u exactly in this world... @gx yups.. better think of a career than girls... but there is nothing wrong with one girl in life and a gud career
  7. piyush gupta

    Help Quiz_Master !

    hey get well very soon and come back... can u tell in PM who requested u except its a girl
  8. piyush gupta

    >> Valentine Day <<

    I dont wanna be f*** by a malyali girl by asking such stupid ques
  9. piyush gupta

    >> Valentine Day <<

    why so..
  10. piyush gupta

    Help Quiz_Master !

    Did u called him...what he replied back...
  11. piyush gupta

    where to buy this ?

    Where u live buddy.. there is alandmark in specors in chennai baki i dont know...
  12. piyush gupta

    Send Free Unlimited International SMS!! [Tested 100%]

    Finally is it working for unlimited
  13. piyush gupta

    Share All Your Jokes Here ! [warning: some jokes may not be family friendly]

    Re: Share All Your Jokes Here ! Awsome
  14. piyush gupta

    What song are you addicted to at the moment?

    Two step behind def leppord
  15. piyush gupta

    Awesome Song/Videos........... Share

    This is awsome song heard it on end titiles of 50 First Dates Try songs of movie serendipity... Moonlight Kiss When you know Northern Sky
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