Recent content by p_d5010

  1. P

    Realtek HD Audio not detecting speakers after power outage

    yes, I tried that too Could anyone help on this>?
  2. P

    Realtek HD Audio not detecting speakers after power outage

    @cybertonic :front as well as back panels are not getting detected. also checked the cables for front panel audio Could anyone help me on this? Does it ever happen that a power surge inside a motherboard can damage the audio jacks on it?
  3. P

    Realtek HD Audio not detecting speakers after power outage

    Hello all, I would like to explain the scenario first before posting the question: I have an xfx 8600gt graphics card, which had blown capacitors some months back. I replaced those with electrolytic capacitors of same rating, and started playing some games. After a week or so, my SMPS blew...
  4. P

    Upgrading my PC

    Hi all, I have decided to upgrade my mobo,processor and ram. I am also thinking of adding in a graphics card and if budget permits, a HDD. My budget is rs.20k. The purpose would be gaming and media mostly. Could anyone suggest me the latest configuration with the best VFM? Thanks!
  5. P

    Planning to Buy new AMD780G chipset mobo

    update: due to exams pping in, i did halt my plans (by pursuing my dealer)for abit ip35 and e4500, now he says he sold it to other guy! i am now free to choose other mobo finally! :) so i am going for the following after many benchmarks and reviews i saw on net...... gigabyte ga-ma78gm + amd...
  6. P

    Please suggest a good latest Intel mainstream motherboard and proccy

    ^ ^ hey thanks for info :) Can you please tell me which bios wud be better to flash, and the link for software? i saw on abit, they told the procedure of floppy it so simple to flash bios from windows ???!!
  7. P

    Please suggest a good latest Intel mainstream motherboard and proccy

    one question, is there any SIMPLE way to upgrade my bios of motherboard? (abit ip35-e)
  8. P

    IP35-E dead.wat to do now

  9. P

    Please suggest a good latest Intel mainstream motherboard and proccy

    wud a 4500+ when overclocked, beat a 5600+ which is also overclocked :-? In chip magazine, I saw amd 5600+x2 rated two points higher than e4500 on stock........ though it still costs 6k against e4500 4.9k, i m still feeling guilty of not opting for 5600+ and any OK type of motherboard costing...
  10. P

    Please suggest a good latest Intel mainstream motherboard and proccy

    @hellgate i will be taking 800mhz RAM, so 1:1 ratio cant get me to 800mhz what should i set to get atleast in the 6xx mhz range of RAM???
  11. P

    Please suggest a good latest Intel mainstream motherboard and proccy

    one doubt, is it true that 2.4ghz AMD processor is rated at (or equivalent to) 3 GHZ intel processor? @hellgate: i would be recieving my motherboard by monday, so hope to get my processor overclock till 800mhz(coz i dont have external cooling). Also, what overclock of E4500 is possible without...
  12. P

    Please suggest a good latest Intel mainstream motherboard and proccy

    @hellgate: can u please post ur settings in detail? thanks! :) But aint 3.6 ghz, 1.4ghz overclock too much :-? I dont have external cooler so please tell me settings which would give me about 3.2 ghz with less heat.......i just need an isea coz my current mobo doesnt have memory divider option...
  13. P

    Please suggest a good latest Intel mainstream motherboard and proccy

    Does anyone here have e4500 Overclocked to about 2.8ghz or more? if yes please help me and try to post your settings so that i can try for it!:D :)
  14. P

    Planning to Buy new AMD780G chipset mobo

    thanks spyingshadow :)
  15. P

    Please suggest a good latest Intel mainstream motherboard and proccy

    i gonna buy there any brand which is better than this?
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