Thanks everyone.If Windows7 is on my C drive and I install Windows8 on D drive from my upgrade offer DVD, then will Microsoft consider my windpws8 as Licence version ?This is the confusion for which I want some help.
Hi friends,
I have HP laptop with preinstalled Windows 7 Home Premium.My hardware are competible with Windows8.I got an upgrade offer for just Rs.700.
My question is can I retain my windows7 and install windows8 on another partition (Dual boot) using upgrade downloaded iso(I already made dvd of...
Hi friends,
I want to purchase Androide phone for watching Movies, must have 3G and WIFI,Capacitive touch screen..
Can you suggest me up to price range of 13K. I can purchase if advised to buy online or store whichever is good.
@nihu: You are right, some of those articles had very little to do with technology. I thought of the same thing when I read it too.
Thanks for rightly understand my view.I am fan of Digit & wishes you success for each issue.I am not gamelover so i cant make demand...
In March-10 issue some ESSENTIAL stories you written are-
1.on page no 10 'My sunny balcony' which CONECT us to planting business!
2.on page 12 story of 'the shoe spa' which CONECT us to shoe business!
3.on page no 14 we are CONECTED to cab business.
Do you think all above articles are...
pl have some limit for boring interviews spread in first 5 pages.instead give regularly more 5 pages for how to,Q&A,agent1 etc.People buy Digit mainly to solve their daily may give more interviews on yr site.
Till date you have NOT REVIED INTEL I3 PROCESSOR or not compared it with...
Thanks sakumar.
But is there a way to create full insto disk?dell gives system recovery files on HDD.during bootup press F8 & selecting given recovery mode.
Anyway thanks once again.
hi friends,
My friend has recently purchased Dell's Laptop with windows7 Home premium(OEM) preinstalled.No WINDOWS DVD is bundled.
Now,can we make bootable windows7 DVD FOR him to install from scrach if needed?Is it official for him?
HOW WE CAN MAKE IT?Pl explain in detail.This info will be...
In short, h series motherboard supports graphics when processor with integrated graphics is used.if you choose proce withoute graphics(like i5 750) you must have to install GPU.
in p series mb you are in anycase forced to purchase GPU.
Intel tells that they have simplified selection.what a...
h55-m-ud2h this mb supports graphics only when cpu has confirm by visiting & see point no:10 on the giga site.
this shows that i have to install GPU WHICH will increase my budget for i5 750 rig.
help from any member will be apreciated.
Thanks.Gaming is not my priority,Autocad appli and Minor video encoding are my req.
Does AMD supports DDR3 RAM?I dont want to go 4 ddr2.according to my req you may give me spec.
I have to purchase graphics card at present if i opt 4 i5 which will increase my budget.
Suggest me GPU upto 4k.
It seems that if I have to add GPU then p series board will also do then tell me which series(p or h) I should opt.
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