Recent content by bizzyboy

  1. B

    Bizzy's Guide to Good Hard Drive Maintenance

    hey i clearly wrote the authors name in the last. so better get some reading glasses :shock:
  2. B

    Bizzy's Guide to Good Hard Drive Maintenance

    Hard drive maintenance is of extreme importance in maintaining overall computer health. It's a nasty fact of computer life, but Windows (and every other computer operating system out there) grows. If you're like me, not so long ago you were getting by with a 500 megabyte hard drive and...
  3. B

    Old wine in a new bottle !

    now that u have a budget to adhere to..lets see some specs first i need to admonish u for buying a branded PC..they dont work for us, the next time u buy a pc, go for an assembled one at all costs. ok now coming to ur specs, better change the whole cpu, if u ask me. first sell...
  4. B

    Hard Disk Blues

    asim, first we need to know wat type of HDD are we talking bout here, and when was it bought? wat is its RPM, if u cud provide me with these answers. wud be easy anyway, first of all if it is a old hdd, format it at a low level or atleast do a full format, remove all the partitions and create...
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