Recent content by apoorv.sharma

  1. apoorv.sharma

    Cellphone around 6k

    it get dull quite soon!..seen it around...
  2. apoorv.sharma

    Cellphone around 6k

    yea saw that one..looks are the reviews on this one?..
  3. apoorv.sharma

    Cellphone around 6k

    Hey everyone! Looks like it's the season of gifting phones to family members, with two threads already open (I did happen to go through them but needed some specific advice..) I need to get a cell for my mom!..should have a decent camera, sufficient memory for storing music and should be good...
  4. apoorv.sharma

    India May Ban Facebook, Orkut and Foreign Social Networking Sites

    ....and all of a sudden 90% of the Indian Internet users will come to a realization how "wella" they were and had nothing better to do...bang!..they can't find any other use for the net..stop using it...yay!..more bandwidth available..2Mbps for everyone!..muhahahahaha =)
  5. apoorv.sharma

    MS Win Srvr 08 launch event (mumbai) - Live updates

    Oh how could I miss that! (psst..I was with Kalpik..rings any bells?) :cool: Btw, tiny little correction---> *Apoorv :) Cheers!
  6. apoorv.sharma

    MS Win Srvr 08 launch event (mumbai) - Live updates

    Black and White (the hindi one released that day) *puke!*
  7. apoorv.sharma

    MS Win Srvr 08 launch event (mumbai) - Live updates

    ...but then again, that jacket is no match for the "Wrangler" one you had already eh?!! :P The event was rather..wanna get my hands dirty with VS 2008 with some interesting features they have added. Though, I wish they wouldn't have tortured us with an insanely sad movie at the end...
  8. apoorv.sharma

    Best PC Speakers within and around 1.5k

    Got myself the Creative Inspire M2600 for 1.5k dot! :) Looks are "yummy"..yet to take them outta the pack will post about the sound soon ;)
  9. apoorv.sharma

    Best PC Speakers within and around 1.5k

    True, whoever said best and 1.5k..was more like within that range :) Then again, price is only objective in case of getting a good speaker system..but since I'm limited in that budget, let's hear your suggestions!
  10. apoorv.sharma

    Best PC Speakers within and around 1.5k

    Thanks Slugger! main concern was clipping on high volume..
  11. apoorv.sharma

    Best PC Speakers within and around 1.5k

    oh cool!..they even have those googly eyes...just like mine! :D
  12. apoorv.sharma

    Best PC Speakers within and around 1.5k

    The title says it all. Till now, quite a few people have suggested me these ones: * All suggestions appreciated! Thanks to everyone in advance :)
  13. apoorv.sharma

    k790i or k810i

    If you ask for my honest opinion, I would definitely go for k810i..(lighter, 3G and MUCH more battery lasting capabilities..being the main adv. it has over k790i)..there has to be a reason why it's more expensive than the other one right! ;) What really beats me though is that if you can...
  14. apoorv.sharma

    Suggest a Phone in 13k Range

    First of all, this is the exact thread I was thinking to start for a friend of mine who has similar budget to look out for. So, thanks for the help! :D Without a doubt go for N73! It's the best one out there within your budget (if not less!). It's loaded with features such as impressive picture...
  15. apoorv.sharma

    Phone b/w and around 10-12k

    Got Sony Ericsson W810i...Pretty Neat phone...good camera (with an impressive flash..cud use it as a torch if u want to!)..quick response...awesome earphones..not to forget the extremely clear speakers..FM..everything... Great buy! :)
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