that's amazing, you would be a perfect team mate. your next challenge is now clearing the tough algorithm and data structure interview.
use these links I shared above see how you perform.
why are you learning .net core, that's such a waste of time for this age. focus on machine learning, neural...
practice here, let me know when ready
GeeksforGeeks | A computer science portal for geeks
InterviewBit: Coding Interview Questions
Online Coding Interview Preparation
the only requirement is the ability to clear interview, data structures, algorithms
it takes about 3-4 months of focused prep.
and bit of ideas how to design apps.
I have been working for Adobe at 8 yrs now. Digit forums immensely helped in acquiring tech skills that set me apart from every one at my firm.
Am looking to see if there is talent, I can help you land a high paying job in Bangalore.
The forums culture is dying after social media, so hoping...
everyone knows GST, but what happened exactly?
how do they calculate now?
it was 15% earlier, it should be 18% now right?
or simply did it go from 0% to 18% now?
it looks like parts are being charged 28% now.
It is correct, exactly how my laptop behaves compared to desktop dude.
that image will just look even bad on TN panel. Why don't you just put a TN and IPS side by side and check, seriously. Am not being a fanboy here.
TN use case is, its a cheap monitor. Works for games like CS Go, Dota2...
See this guys, the first image is front view. TNs really looked washed out, whitish. I hate my TN Windows work laptop, replacing that crap in 2-3 months.
No the workplace is Adobe, my friend does the purchasing for his team. its ridiculous he purchased TN monitor for the Lightroom group.
You are not supposed to edit photos on a TN monitor. LOL
We have this Gsync highest quality tn monitor and believe it, the colors on this are shit.
At my work place, my friend intentionally purchased this monitor, because he wanted to experiment with TNs before he himself decided to buy the IPS for his house.
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