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March 2025 Digit Downloads

Digit e-DVD

Welcome to Digit’s “Digit Downloads”. Instead of limiting ourselves to physical media, we’re attempting to curate the best content from the WWW for you, and give it to you in monthly instalments. By the 15th of every month there will be a new Digit Downloads made available to buyers / subscribers of the Digit Magazine, so watch our homepage for updates.

While most of the following is content for your PCs, if you’re reading this from a mobile, scroll to the Mobile section to get some interesting downloads, apps and games, all recommended by Team Digit.

As always, remember to send us feedback about this exercise, and suggestions on how we can improve.

Featured Distros

Some of the latest Distros for you to try –


Benchmarking Tools

A selection of benchmarking tools that will let you unlock the true potential of your tech –

R & D

Some interesting lectures and informative videos by some of the best researchers from the world of science and technology –


Watch and learn… It’s that simple. Added entertainment? Well, we’ve got you covered!


Bored of your recommendations? Here’s some interesting geeky content to keep you engaged through the day –

Mobile Madness

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