Newbie: good digicam?

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Broken In
hi. i'm new to Digit Forum. i'm simply loving it. Thanks Digit!

Please help me buy a 5mp - 6mp digicam. my budget is 10k(+/- 1k). :confused:
i'm not a professional and plan to use it mainly for clicking casual pictures. i'm looking for one with good battery life and an LCD as big as possible for the said budget.

Has anyone heard of Casio EXILIM EX Z500? Please have a look at this site:* and tell me if i can go for it. It is available for <11k. i hav read sum reviews and they hav been quite satisfactory.
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Broken In
Thanks. both cameras have good and bad user opinions as both have one or the other cons. wish u cud tell me which cons suits me best.


Welcome To The Jungle
i wud suggest u go 4 canon, coz they are better in technology wise and more ppl prefer canon than any other brand.
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