help in fifa 05

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Tux said:
don't play that game. it sucks

Now that is one helpful post. Seriously dude, the guy wants help regarding the game. If you dont have something useful to post, better stray away.


Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Hey ""infernus"" u r ABSOLUTELY rite dude :) 8) its no use posting unnecessary details wich r completely out of the topic.
Come on TUX yaar give a chance to ""OMSCK"" to play yaar.

Neways hey ""omsck"" well try the "OFF THE BALL CONTROL", dude by pressing the z key on ur ketboard and select a person and help him try out the bicycle kick coz wen u select the OFF THE BALL CONTROL" the player to whom u wanna send the ball gets completely safe of obstructions and pushin from other rival opponent players and then u can try out ur much awaited BICYCLE kick and wat else to see than to DIG the ball in the far corner of the net DUDE !! :wink: :twisted:

neways tell me if my suggestion worked for u or not.

cheers n peace...



Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
hi dudes well i really dont know abt the EURO 2004 unless it is mentioned in the game manuel or on the box cover.

but u can try that for sure ...

hey is EURO-04 from ea sports?? if yes then it might work i mean the OFF THE BALL CONTROL

cheers n peace.

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