Heir fall problem


Broken In
Hi friends im 30 i have heir falling problem since 4 years(my all family members have good heir grawth) i started to taking tablets but its nt working well. then i stop to take tablets my heir nt falling in center of my head at its falling at start up head area i want some easy and naturel wey to grawup my heir. what to do? (dont want to do heir transplan)
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Staff member
Reminds me of tropsical guy from facepunch


Wise Old Owl
Hi friends im 30 i have heir falling problem since 4 years(my all family members have good heir grawth) i started to taking tablets but its nt working well. then i stop to take tablets my heir nt falling in center of my head at its falling at start up head area i want some easy and naturel wey to grawup my heir. what to do? (dont want to do heir transplan)

Do u have daandaruf?


you should better consult a doctor b4 matter gets out of hands!
you could go total bald! or have an empty "patch" on you hair?
i dont think there are any effective natural ways...
Wear a wig when going to meet girls


Wise Old Owl

You probably have ancestors from latin countries
You are probably a ghost from 1800s