Final Countdown - America plans Military Attack on Iran.

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In the zone
Enough fighting then over all of us.

Now the conclusions -

1)Iran has to stopped at all costs from developing nuclear stuffs
2)US or some other nation have to undertake this task for the sake of the world(definitely india is not going to do it)


The Internationalist
premsharma said:
The topic is problematic and diverse views expressed are not digested

Don't worry premsharma, this is a forum with no judge so its goes waywire sometimes with personal comments. I have faced some like, "You have no experience..", "Your are lying..", "You are a kid...", "You are a troll..", "Did your mother...". There are a lot of immature people here whose age notwithstanding, they can't handle logical arguments and criticism and resort to personal attacks and justify their view saying it is 'normal' in a debate. They think they are the only people with 'right' opinions and they usually get their way with insults, abuses and lying.The best way to handle them is add them to your ignore list for now, sooner or later real life will teach them civility. ;)

sreevirus said:
Hehehe...For now, I'd like to just write down one of my favourite quotes:

"Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
Steven Weinberg

Couldn't agree with that more. Religion is worse than opium, its addictive and its harmful for the people.


Right off the assembly line
Absolutely !!!!!!!!! :cool:

And again wht do you people thnk are jews people justified in occupying palestine territory whr they had lived hundreds of years ago in the process destroying lives of generations of palestinian people for no fault of theirs !!!!!!!!
Moreover had i presented any illogical arguments !!!!!!!!!!!!!I`m just asking plzzzzz don`t thnk i`m saying these to anybody !!!!!!!
Aberforth u r absolutely rt religion has always divided people all the major problems plaguing the earth rt now except global warming which interestingly is ignored by most people r bcoz of religion !!!!!!!!!!
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Edburg said:
Enough fighting then over all of us.

Now the conclusions -

1)Iran has to stopped at all costs from developing nuclear stuffs
2)US or some other nation have to undertake this task for the sake of the world(definitely indiaDigit Forum - Reply to Topic is not going to do it)
1. Iran has to stopped at all costs from developing nuclear stuffs

Let them develop what ever they want and what ever they feel is to do.

2. US or some other nation have to undertake this task for the sake of the world

US is too weak to fight with Iran. Iran is so advanced. A little war on iran can prove to whole world. Starting World War 3.

No one will support US.

1. Chinese :- For them Iran is very important. If they are attacked. Their economy will cease. Making them to go war with Taiwan.

2. Russia :- Same thing has chinese. They need the resources from iran. Provided they help iran by giving them sophiscated weaponary.

3. European Union :- It depends on whether they are in US side or Iran Side.

4. India :- This country is a joke. They can not protect their borders from cross-border terrorism and the government sucks. They are not capable of fighting with powerful armies. Let this country rest in peace. India has struggled enough.

5. PVC (Private Military Contracts) :- They are still helping US in iraq and afghanisthan. They may help in iran but i very much doubt it because US army did not protect them from insurgents attacks.

Now who else do US have?. Going to war themselves will prove dangerous. They military bases around middle east will be constant attacks. America will be in dangerous situation. The only thing US can do is launch Nukes at iran targetting nuclear. That would prove very very dangerous. Has i said a little war in iran is enough to bring us to world war 3.
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The Internationalist
Nuclear war on Iran could prove deadly. Iran isn't supported by Middle Eastern countries for their religious factional divide but you can well imagine the worldwide scare even a small scale nuclear war could cost. There will be a new nuclear race and every country will consider nuking their enemies for bigger car parking spaces.

Iran even if a rogue state knows what effect dropping nuclear bombs on a country could have so they are as unlikely as Pakistan to drop nukes in Israel. Ahmedinejad knows Israel can hit back very badly if a single nuke drops on its homeland.


Debian Rocks!
trying a war with Iran is sure gonna provocate the world Muslim there no alternate ahimsatmac solutions...:p
For the world to remain calm for @tleast our times,we should try to make Muslims Happy,all over the World,because as a fact-
(from here on no offense!) Muslims really takes these things seriously,in whichever country Muslims lives doesnt matter-Muslims wants a World Conquer and Unity of Muslims...that will be very hard to digest for other communities....esp US and Christians/Jews are sure enjoying the enemity of world Muslims...
We need to assure Muslim Countries that there is no anti-Muslim thought that spreads!else i am sure WWIII @ anvil..


All through it, i feel sorry for the poor american soldiers who'll be made to kill and die themselves just cause of the whims of a pathetic administration. I feel sorry for the people of Iran.
Leave alone US's cconsiderations for other nations and their citizens.. but just see how insensitive they are to the lives of their own sons. This country is pathetic. Their ego is going to destroy them.



Israel seeks US green light for Iran attack

LONDON -- Israel is seeking permission from the United States to fly its jets over Iraq to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, The Daily Telegraph newspaper said Saturday, citing sources.
A senior Israeli defense official told the conservative British broadsheet in a dispatch from Tel Aviv that negotiations were taking place for the US-led coalition in Iraq to provide an "air corridor" over Iraq if the Jewish state decided on unilateral action.
"We are planning for every eventuality, and sorting out issues such as these are crucial," the official said.
"If we don't sort these issues out we could have a situation where American and Israeli war planes start shooting at each other."
Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has in the past called for Israel to be wiped off the map.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a report Thursday saying that Iran had not halted, and in fact had expanded, its uranium enrichment program, defying a United Nations Security Council demand to stop by this week.
The United States, France and Britain have called for tougher Security Council sanctions on Tehran, while Germany, China and Russia have taken softer stances. Iran denies US charges that it seeks nuclear weapons.

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American armada prepares to take on Iran

Audio: Damien McElroy on the deck of the US flagship
It is four and a half acres of American power in the middle of the Arabian Sea but the influence of USS Dwight D Eisenhower stretches for hundreds of miles.

Crew on board the aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower are on alert in the Arabian Sea

The aircraft carrier, backed by its sister vessel, a handful of destroyers and a shoal of support ships, has placed a maritime ring of steel around an increasingly unstable region.

While the Eisenhower is ostensibly assisting US operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, it is the looming threat of Iran that increasingly occupies its attention.

Recent tensions between America and Iran over Teheran's attempts to develop a nuclear weapon have raised the prospect of its third regional war in a decade.

The addition of a second aircraft carrier to its strike groups has fuelled the belief that America is gearing up for a fight with Iran. Not since the Iraq war in 2003 has America amassed so much fire power around the Gulf.

As flagship of the Fifth Fleet, the Eisenhower welcomed the arrival of a second Nimitz class nuclear powered aircraft carrier, the USS John C. Stennis, and its accompanying destroyers on Tuesday.

Captain Dan Cloyd, the Eisenhower's commanding officer, compared the situation with the international tension of the Cold War.

"There was a time when we had two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean," he told The Daily Telegraph. "The world changes and we adapt."

The quiet-spoken Capt Cloyd embraced the suggestion that the dual deployment is at the forefront of efforts to stop Iran getting a nuclear bomb, pointing out that his maritime assets have been tasked to quash any challenge to global security.

"Our presence here is an affirmation of our resolve in this area to engage with the nations of the region either where we share common goals or where we face challenges."

Every hour and fifteen minutes a handful of jets scream north across the ocean. The range of missions an aircraft carrier as big as the Eisenhower - it has more than 5,000 people onboard - can carry out is virtually limitless.

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