$175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

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Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

aryayush said:
I'm not saying .NET is difficult but it is far behind XCode's level. I once read a blog entry of an accomplished Windows developer who visited Apple's WWDC event and he had described how shell shocked he had been on seeing the level of advancement Apple had attained with XCode. Here's a screenshot:

It makes coding easy and lets you design wonderful user interfaces for your applications, being very easy to use all the while. :)

by the looks of it , looks more like an advanced text editor than an IDE , now here's what i call an IDE .



now that's what i can a Real Developer's IDE


Microsoft fan boys and Mac fanboys clashes.

It will take years for linux to be improved. Most of the linux supporters are volunteers. Unlike Microsoft or Apple. There is nothing to be pawned about or nothing to worry about. All it does it takes time and little bit patience. So all the fanboy of microsoft and apple bug off.

@ Zeeshan :- I bet you are using pirated copy of visual studio and OS.

Has i said wait and be patience. Linux will naturally be improved.

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

thunderbird.117 said:
@ Zeeshan :- I bet you are using pirated copy of visual studio and OS.

now where's my money , both the OS n Visual Studio ARE GENUINE .

pathiks said:
@zeeshan u using a OS X theme??? :p

i never said XP looked better than OSX , did I ? :D :D


You gave been GXified
Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

thunderbird.117 said:
@ Zeeshan :- I bet you are using pirated copy of visual studio and OS.

LOlz...now what to say :rolleyes:, Both his OS & Visual studio are fully legal version thunderbird

[qoute]Has i said wait and be patience. Linux will naturally be improved.[/quote]

Yup we know this, but insted of improving all they do is whine in this forum while freebird is advertising linux all over.

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

gx_saurav said:
Yup we know this, but insted of improving all they do is whine in this forum while freebird is advertising linux all over.

like if i say Linux has no good GUI Download manager , then freebird will be all pumped up .


Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

gx_saurav said:
LOlz...now what to say :rolleyes:, Both his OS & Visual studio are fully legal version thunderbird

[qoute]Has i said wait and be patience. Linux will naturally be improved.
Yup we know this, but insted of improving all they do is whine in this forum while freebird is advertising linux all over.[/quote]

I fail to see your point?. What is wrong with advertising linux?. Has so do microsoft has loads of advertisers behind them.

gx_saurav sometimes i dont understand you and yea stop pointing at freebird.

@ Zeeshan Quireshi :- Keep it up.


Aspiring Novelist
@Zeeshan Quireshi
WOW! This is just great. We were talking about how simple it is to code software on the Mac and I showed you the simple and intuitive user interface of XCode. Suddenly, you changed track. It is too simple for you now. LOL! :lol:

And those screenshots you posted, that has got to be one of the most complicated interfaces I've ever seen. Whoa! No wonder most programs on Windows have absolutely miserable user interfaces.

Zeeshan Quireshi

C# Be Sharp !
Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

aryayush said:
@Zeeshan Quireshi
WOW! This is just great. We were talking about how simple it is to code software on the Mac and I showed you the simple and intuitive user interface of XCode. Suddenly, you changed track. It is too simple for you now. LOL! :lol:

And those screenshots you posted, that has got to be one of the most complicated interfaces I've ever seen. Whoa! No wonder most programs on Windows have absolutely miserable user interfaces.

well my point was how simple it is to do complex logics n algorithms with .NET :)


Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

There is no point of fighting over open source and closed source. There is not point of fighting which is best programming language. Each of its have a purpose. Just like Good and Bad exist together. Open Source i define is meaning is Innovation,Learning,Knowledge and Simplicity. I have learned lot of thing from open source. Without opensource i dont know where microsoft would be. They would be no challenge. Just like how adobe flash did not face any challenge only now they have a chance to challenge with silverlight. Both of them will reside side by side. Whow know what is there in future. New companies will come new programming lanuguage and so on.

There is no point of talking .Net is better than XCode or XCode is better than .Net. Both of them will exist when they will be facing severe competition in future.


El mooooo
Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

Jim Gettys writes on his blog regarding the recent bad press OLPC Project received because of hike in the price of the laptops and alleged association with Microsoft.

He made an highly insightful post explaining from the point of inception of OLPC and made it clear that OLPC was never supposed to be shipped at $100 from day one. Rather the price was expected to get reduced to "$100 in late 2008-2009" but sadly the same always got lost in press.

He further detailed on the allegations regarding association of OLPC with Microsoft; that can sabotage the chances of Open Source Software getting successful on the platform. He explains that Microsoft is not being given any assistance other than what already exists for every other Operating System group.

Complete Article: Ah, those wonderful people in the press…


El mooooo
Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

Christopher Blizzard talks a little more about OLPC and Microsoft
For once Microsoft is getting the reverse Linux laptop experience: little support and little documentation for the hardware. The result will be a platform that doesn’t include any of the really novel features that we’re building in, bad power management, no systems management via the firmware and apps that will randomly crash because they can’t fix the virtual memory problem in the same way we’re approaching it. A second class citizen, to be sure.
one laptop per child...

P.S. My repeated posts on this topic and continued focus is only because I want to alleviate any fears that might creep in Open Source supporters' minds regarding this project :)


El mooooo
Re: $175 OLPC deals blow to open source, guarantees Microsoft’s continued dominance

OLPC makes it's debut in Uruguay
The One Laptop Per Child project became a reality in Uruguay, as the 160 children of school #24 in the humble town of Cardal received their XO computers.
...and people thought the project was not feasible :)
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