
  1. mikeyaxe

    NZXT cabinet 921 B

    guys i desperately needed d nzxt guardian cabinet...but whr ever i askd they only had the gamma cabinet.cn ne1 help me by tellin me whr i cn get a NZXT guardian cabinet..in MUMBAi:razz:
  2. pritish_kul2

    Digit tv2

    i jsut watched the digit tv2....in the beginning thrs a device- breaking wind GH-5000 x-treme edition.....jst wanted to knw whr can i buy this and at how much price..??
  3. M

    i need hosting

    i need a hosting i never do so before plz tell me some good hosting sites whr from i can get a better hosting. thanx in advance
  4. esumitkumar

    How to fool websense and enable gtalk ?

    all proxies websense catches...and blocks ... like meebo etc can u suggest some website whr i can chat on google talk ? and websense doesnt detect it :p
  5. J

    sorting problem??? help please...

    hey guys, i am doin this program for sorting two-dimnsional aray in ascendin order, and it should accpt N inputs from user... whr N is 7 this is what i have done so far.... void sortLastNames(char name[][N], int N) { int count, count1; char tempname[20]; for(count=0...
  6. dreams

    Need Dumbbells !!!

    Hi i am frm chennai and i need to do some exercise to make myself fit..dnt want to go to any gym and spend money cos my time doesnt suit that..so i need to buy a dumbbell..hv askd in some fitness and sports shop and the price is huge..is thr any other place whr i can buy the dumbbels.. i am...
  7. V

    Whr is 2 Gb ?

    Hi all, My computer shows only 38 gb of hard disk. But am using 40 gb HDD. Whr the remaining 2 gb gone ??? Anybody pls help !!!!!!!!!
  8. A

    whr r DOOM3 savefiles located ?

    hey guys i jst installed the game doom3 on my rig..the game is freakin awsmeeeee........... the graphics r totally rok on.. bt i need help... WHR R THE SAVEFILES LOCATED.. ???? plssss lemme knw guys.. thx...
  9. M

    SATA to USB Adapter

    i want to connect my SATA HDD to mine old pc which doesn`t hv a SATA connector. does ne1 knw whr can i buy a SATA to USB adapter in hyderabad??? whts its price??
  10. T


    hey ! My digicam has been formatted, and there were pictures that I needed for a project on it! Can u tell me of any good FREE photo restorers? The ones I found that work are paid ones! If you know any, then plz tell me whr I can find it!
  11. T


    hey ! My digicam has been formatted, and there were pictures that I needed for a project on it! Can u tell me of any good FREE photo restorers? The ones I found that work are paid ones! If you know any, then plz tell me whr I can find it!
  12. M

    UV lights,wraps and others,whr avail in india?

    hi all, i m n search to gt all the props for modd my cpu. can anyone guide me,frm whr i can buy,props,like uv cables wrapers etc etc. i m n kerala. i seen sometimes in ebay.bt thts in auction.so 40% chances to get. i want a proper market,frm whr i can get ths in india(or in kerala).and i...
  13. aku

    Geekiest Linux Distro

    The Header Tells it all.. accordin to u which is the most geekiest distro? P.S. is it worth downloadin solaris 10.. cuz i hrd dat 11 is on its way...??? From whr can i find previous version of distros.. like rhl7,8... mandrake 8..
  14. gauravakaasid

    freeware 4 nokia 6600

    i recently got 6600, have also downloaded a lot a s/w frm net. but most f them dnt run, or dnt perform as xpected, how do i uninstall them? also can the 6600 b used as a radio wit the app s/w? whr do i get it frm? also whr do i get the nokia infra red remote app 4 6600?
  15. gauravakaasid

    disposable mail ids....

    can ne1 help me out?need 2 know da site whr u can create disposable mail ids?
  16. aku


    How can i convert my win xp installation source 2 win xp mce... frw\m whr can i buy it ????
  17. jpushkarh

    Best Play Station DVD Emulator ?

    I Want 2 play ps2 dvds on my pc. 4m whr i will got it ? (Play Station DVD Emulator)
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