
  1. outlaw

    mobile phone for visually impaired ?

    a friend of mine's visually impaired , is there a phone that says what key is pressed ?? for eg ... like saying the numbers out loud while dialling .. or what menu button is pressed .. ??? i used to have a moto rokr touch that had the feature and it used to tell what key was pressed ... but...
  2. Faun

    RAID explained visually

  3. ilugd

    Local Area Network Notification Icon in System Tray

    I am using Open Suse 10.2 with KDE. It would be nice to have some sort of network or LAN connection icon in the system tray, you know so that i can visually figure out the network activity. I mean the system tray icon similar to the one in Windows. What do I need to get that?
  4. debaisaindian

    Monitoring over lan

    I have a small network of about 8 computers.They computers are connected to the switch.All the computers are running over Windows XP pro.There is no server configured.Is there any software that can visually monitor the other computers in the network without instlling a client software in the...
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