
  1. ico

    Game of Thrones / ASoIaF - USE SPOILER TAG!!

    Valar Morghulis.
  2. Flash


    : (​DUMB MOVIE MOMENTS): OK. If there are movies with "Epic/Awesome" moments, there should be movies with "Dumb/illogical moments" too. The moment can be anything - Illogical/Plain-dumb/Ridiculous/Idiotic. Share those moments along with the movie name here and [SPOILER] it, if it's about an...
  3. Flash

    Awesome MOVIE Moments Thread

    Epic/Awesome MOVIE Moments Thread ❤​EPIC/AWESOME MOVIE MOMENTS❤​ There were lot of movies with AWESOME moments irrespective of the language, that makes the movie memorable and special. Whenever you hear the movie name/see the movie poster, that sudden moment will come to your mind. The moment...
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