
  1. koolbluez

    FaceYourManga... ur avtar... ur style...

    Create your Avatar with Face Your Manga! Express yourself through your image and share it, whoever you want. Enjoy yourself by discovering unlimited combinations to realize your virtual alter‐ego. That's what the site says. Well, u got lotta options to give a look, ur...
  2. aditya.shevade

    FOSS C++ Graphics Library.... Which one?

    Hey Can someone please tell me about any good OpenSource Graphics library for C/C++? All I want is to be able to draw basic shapes with it. And a guide about using it and bundling it with my program source (for portability) will be very helpful. Aditya
  3. K

    Putting Buttons of Different shapes in VB

    Hey!!!!!! I m bored of using the standard rectangle buttons in Vb... Is there any way to put on some special sized buttons(like rounder rectangle,and similar to tat) with different shapes?????? Plz help me
  4. MysticDews

    Midpoint Ellipse

    I need the source code in C (using Turbo C)to implement the Midpoint Ellipse Drawing Algorithm... I tried writing it myself, but instead of ellipses, i m getting some wierd shapes...:confused: Please help if possible... Thnks in advance..
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