
  1. koolbuddy92

    Digital P&S camera under Rs.7000

    I've decided to buy a digital camera under Rs.7000 After going through a few digit issues, I chose Samsung ES55 out of the list. Is it worth the money? Please help by providing your suggestions. I can extend the budget to a maximum of Rs.7500.
  2. executioner

    Suggest graphics card

    What's the best (PCI-e and agp both)graphics card under Rs.7000
  3. kool

    DIGITAL STILL CAMERA under Rs.7000 ????????

    dear friends, Till now i was using Kodak KB-12 for home photography. Now i want to buy a good DIGITAL STILL CAMERA under Rs.7000, for home use only (like birthday party, picnic etc). I dont know anything about digi cam, so plz tell me which things are important in these camera. Also tell me...
  4. kool

    i want to buy a DIGITAL still camera under Rs.7000 *********

    dear friends, Till now i was using Kodak KB-12 for home photography. Now i want to buy a good DIGITAL STILL CAMERA under Rs.7000, for home use only (like birthday party, picnic etc). I dont know anything about digi cam, so plz tell me which things are important in these camera. Also tell me...
  5. K

    Looking for a DVD player (not dvd-rom, or dvd software)

    HI All, Please guide me to buy a DVD-player which offers great picture quality and can play music/songs CDS (MP3), DVDs, VCDs, etc.. Also, guide me in buying a web-cam. my budget is upto rs.3000 ALSO, i wnated to buy an MFD. which can SCAN, PRINT, FAX, etc.. My budget is aroudn...