
  1. S

    [For Sale] Cooler Master GX II 650W 80 Plus Bronze PSU

    1. Model number and details: Cooler Master GX II 650W 80 Plus Bronze PSU 2. Date of purchase: Sometime in 2015 I believe. 3. Reason for sale: Got a 750W hand-me-down from my brother. So selling this. 4. Warranty details: None (will give testing warranty) 5. Expected Price: INR 2650 6. Location...
  2. ezio16

    Suggestions for a Mid Tower Gaming Case and a 650W PSU

    Hi, I got a second hand PC recently and need to shift it to a new Mid Tower Gaming case and a good PSU (>650W). 1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games...
  3. chandan3

    Without any grafic card

    I ll buy a mid range gaming i hv no money for buy gtx 660 2gb.after few month i ll buy it. so Guys can i run the computer without grafic card psu-650w cpu-intel core i5 3450. 650w psu can effect the computer without grafic card or nt
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