
  1. blueshift

    Seeds more but none connected

    I am downloading a torrent that has atleast 35000 seeds and 136000 peers... but I do not get any connection from the seeds. 57 peers are the download speed is too slow. Previously I didnt have any problem downloading. Why no seeds are connected? I use uTorrent on Win XP SP3...
  2. naveen_reloaded

    The Pirate Bay Tops 20 Million Peers

    The Pirate Bay has reached yet another milestone. :cool: Today, they track more than 20 million unique peers for the first time since the site was launched. It is estimated that the Pirate Bay tracks more than half of all BitTorrent users at any given point in time...
  3. User Name

    p2p not able to download.

    I can not able to d/l files using p2p clients.(utorent/flashget it show some peers returned and connecting to peers but never conects :( this prob. was never before. i use bsnl bb. what is the prob. any other way to d/l.
  4. P

    Doubts About Torrents

    Please solve my doubts. Plzz..... 1. What are torrents ? 2. What is the use of torrents ? 3. To download torrents fast we have to need more peers ? Why do we need more peers ? 4. Which is the best site for downloading torrents (more peers) ? 5. Torrents are more faster than regular...
  5. sachin_kothari

    µTorrent 1.7 released

    1.7 stable is finally here, after months of development. The biggest changes were full Vista support and the removal of the 65,536 piece limit for torrents. Also added was support for finding local peers (peers on the same LAN) and optionally not having any upload restrictions for them. It...
  6. rakeshishere

    Torrenting For Dummies

    On Lots of Requests of queries from different members on Torrents and on special request by aryayush I have made this thread from various sources around the web..Will update this as fast as possible..I have typed most of stuff in here and will add more to this in the meantime.Please dont discuss...
  7. Simple_Graduate

    Seeders, leechers, peers?

    I've started using bittorrent and am confused about these terms: seeders, leechers, peers...different kinds of downloaders? There are numbers under them...and sometimes there are numbers in brackets also? Can someone explain this and also tell which one of these I am?
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