
  1. kg11sgbg

    Pantel T-Pad IS703C Tablet

    @Forum Friends,does any one of you have the Pantel T-Pad IS703C Tablet? How reliable is this Tablet? Is it worth buying ? Please answer my queries.
  2. Blue Ripazah

    Should i go for bsnl pantel 701r

    Hi I just got a mail regarding the bsnl pantel delivery ...they asked me to pay the amount in pnb bank Is the tablet worth buying i just want to use it for browsing and editing documents ...nothing else ... Morever is it safe to pay the money against the chalan they have sent me for payment
  3. Blue Ripazah

    which one is better bsnl pantel or akash (ubislate 7+)

    which one should i choose bsnl pantel or akash 2 (ubislate 7+) Penta T-Pad IS 701R vs Aakash 1 vs Aakash 2 - comparison of Price , Specifications , Features and Hardware |