
  1. sygeek

    The Oatmeal vs. FunnyJunk

    The Oatmeal vs. FunnyJunk: webcomic copyright fight gets personal Whose side are you on? I was with "The Oatmeal" and always will be. FunnyJunk = Content Thieves having a large troll following with no sense of manners and respect.
  2. soumya

    What it's like to own an Apple product - The Oatmeal

    More @ The Oatmeal
  3. soumya

    What your email address says about you - The Oatmeal

    SOURCE oatmeal
  4. soumya

    Why I pretend I don't know anything about computers (COMIC)

    The Oatmeal
  5. soumya

    The 3 Phases of Owning a Computer

    Full story @ The Oatmeal