
  1. RCuber

    Relocation to Mysore .. a good option?

    Hey guys, I might have a good opportunity to work at a company in Mysore.. I wanted to know how that city is and how are rents there. :D
  2. M

    is It wise to buy computer parts in Bangalore ?? pls help

    I m from mysore 140km away from Bangalore. Is it wise to purchase all hardware parts from Bangalore . . Do I get it cheaper Der, or shall I buy it Mysore only. . And can I claim warranty here also if I buy in Bangalore?
  3. L

    Workshop on Intelligence & Security Informatics - June 17-19, 2010, Mysore

    Workshop on Intelligence & Security Informatics June 17-19, 2010, Mysore (* The International School of Information Management (ISiM), University of Mysore is organizing a workshop on Intelligence & Security Informatics during June 17-19, 2010 at Mysore...
  4. koolbluez

    help.. stay in bangalore... mindtree area... mysore road

    bangloreans..... help A friend of mine coming to bangalore.. need to stay from 2 months in bangalore... near mysore road... where Mindtree is givin him some training classes.... where should i advice him to stay? pg accomodation...? anythin else... place details... can any1 reply asap.. he's...
  5. lalu

    could i use my friends dataone account in my computer?

    hi everyone, my friend had taken dataone 900ul unlimted plan and i had 250 home plan could i use his account in my computer?he is in mysore and am at banglore could there be any problem?
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