
  1. M

    Samsung 3D TV technology

    The new Samsung Smart TV is the best technology-driven device that I have seen. With voice and face recognition, it is miles ahead of its counterparts like LG and Panasonic. Does anyone disagree?
  2. S

    Finally someone Made real life TRON bike!!!

    Awesome Electric Tron Lightcycle By Parker Brothers This new Tron Lightcycle is powered by a 96 volt electric motor, and some lithium ion battery cells, it is capable of speeds over 100mph and can travel for about 100 miles on one charge. It takes around 35 minutes to charge the...
  3. R

    Which is bigger ?

    I know the conversion of the following but still is confused with which one is bigger ? 1 kilometer = 0.62137 miles Kilometer or Miles 1 Kilogram = 2.20462 Pounds Thanx for replying ....
  4. entrana

    Cool Futuristic Car For Sale

    he Aptera (Greek for “wingless”) is an environmentally-friendly car that’s as clean and green as it is fantastically futuristic. The three-wheeled hybrid, which offers an all-electric or plug-in hybrid option, isn’t just a concept- you can reserve your own with just a $500 deposit. Seating 2.5...
  5. aj27july

    Your favourite...

    ... instrumental artist??? Mine are: MODJO CRAZY FROG ROBERT MILES GORILLAZ SAFRI DUO
  6. M


    yo, i was looking into a midrange graphic card and had acctually decided on the XFX 6600GT..but nowi stumbled across the 1600XT from powercolour whcih seeems to be better my miles...Which graphic card would be the best at a range of around 13k thanx in advance
  7. P

    which graphic unit is better ??

    hey, I'm on a rush..pls advise which one is better graphic Intel 845GL chipset's internal GPU Riva TNT 2 M64 intel 815e pls somebody clarify , 845 is anyway miles ahead of 815,but what about tnt2 ? is 815 even better than a tnt 2 ?