
  1. A

    not able to get solution

    Hello friend, earlier I was playing one game TLBB which was running fine after from a month I am not able to play it when ever I try to play it an error comes, I have attached the error and report img please tell me what to do.
  2. sysfilez

    BIOS>Power> 12v is showing 17.1v and in red :(

    BIOS>Power> 12v is showing 17.1v and in red :( Hi folks, Posting after a long time, my pc hanged on quite a last few occasions, when i reboot my pc it halts at this BIOS msg, refer to "img 1" and then after entering setup Power>Hardware Monitor> 12v is reading over 17v please...
  3. techno

    Reliance Revised MobileNet 3G Plans

    img upload :-D
  4. personifiedgenius

    Sick of Google Ads on everyone's page

    Sick of Google Ads on everyone's page? Well lets tell firefox that we don't want to see them anymore. This hack will remove 95% of all Ads, including google Ads. (Yes, even from Gmail. Warning, Removing these ads may violate the TOS of Gmail ) This hack uses the magic of CSS and a...
  5. aryayush

    All comics related to technology. (Low bandwidth warning - lot of images!)

    Hello! This is going to be a fun thread. I love tech comics and am sure many people here do to. So, post any all the genuinely funny tech comics you come across in this thread for all of us to see. There are a few rules. Please adhere to them! It will be more fun if you do. [list]Please post...
  6. raj14

    Remove Google Ads in Mozilla Firefox

    Although, Common Ads can be removed from Firefox Using AdBlock Extension, there's nothing availble to actually remove those Google Text Framed Ads we see, you can always Right click and Block, but that's a temporary solution, here's How you can Get rid of those ads for once and for all...
  7. jpushkarh

    Recovery ? ?

    This is the picture [Edit Batty] Okay .. I changed the IMG tag to URL ...