
  1. A

    Advanced P&S or Mirrorless?

    At one time, I almost bought the Panasonic FZ150...but plans got changed due to some other issues. Now, Panasonic FZ150 is out of stock. So, I thought of having a look at various options in the price range (20-25K). I am thinking to go with an advanced P&S camera or a mirrorless one. So...
  2. S

    Is the Panasonic FZ150 Overhyped and what comes in when this is gone from the market?

    Hi all A month back I was looking for a nice zoom, point and shoot camera.Saw a couple of review threads and after getting familiar with a bit saw that the Panasonic Fz-150 is the considered by reviewers as best superzoom bridge camera with loads of features at a price of approx 23K.But as...
  3. A

    Panasonic FZ150 available at 19740/- at timtara.com

    Hi Guyz, In my endeavour to get a great deal for FZ150, I chanced upon timtara.com which is offering the FZ150 at 19740/-. The lowest anywhere else on the internet is 22000/-. Must confess, I am getting a bit greedy! I have heard some bad reviews about this site but some say they have...
  4. A

    Help me find the best deal on FZ-150

    After months of research, I have concluded that the FZ150 is the best superzoom camera available in the market today - the combination of image quality, superfast operation and features is still not matched by any other camera in that range. So, now I need to find a good deal on FZ150. I...
  5. P

    (Urgent )Planning to buy panasonic DMC fz150.

    Hi guys i have decided my mind on buying feature rich panasonic DMC fz150 . However i would like to know best shop to buy it from . Flipcart is selling it at whopping 24500 and a local dealer is giving it @23499.00.(Both giving same free goodies) . I prefer COD or face to face dealing...
  6. sriharsha_madineni

    Need a travel tripod for Lumix FZ150

    Hi guys, after months & months of thinking between a bridge camera or dslr, I finally decided to get a Lumix fz150 for practical reasons. Now comes the dilemma of choosing a tripod. I intend to use it only for some night photography & long exposure shots, other than that I won't be using a...
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