
  1. Cyberghost

    Dead Rising

    "Capcom will be bringing Dead Rising to Xbox One, PS4 and PC. In addition, Dead Rising 2 and Dead Rising 2: Off the Record will make their way onto Xbox One and PS4. We will have more news to share soon," a spokesperson told Eurogamer. Hopefully it isn't just a bare bones port. Dead Rising's...
  2. RCuber

    Terminator: Salvation to Be Full of Gritty Mechas, Bikebots

    :o:D:))8-) Via Gizmodo
  3. vamsi_krishna

    how many of you have feared playing F.E.A.R

    hello, First Encounter Assault and Reconnaissance, my favourate Fps game after Halflife. It was released in 2005 and i am playing it now. Any way to be frank i am pretty much feard by the shadows, the little girl, and many other things. How many of you feared playing the F.E.A.R.
  4. RCuber

    Internet Security with Linux

    Ok guys here is my question. Why do I require a Firewall if Linux is so secure. I dont have to worry about virus thats ok. And what about Firefox? does the security bugs in Firefox affect my OS? Can any bugs in firefox or Linux itself create a backdoor? I want frank answer :D