
  1. H

    Enum type added to the standard python library.

    PEP 435 -- Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library The resolution: The Python team really seems intent on making their language as good as possible. Props to them. Now only if they would make PyPy standard (and the Django team would try and keep up with Rails).
  2. prem4u

    Diffrence between array and enum?

    what is Difference between array and enum ? practically i know it..but how to explain the difference theoretically.??
  3. puneet.darji

    Passing enum as parameter (vb.net)

    E.g. public Enum season winter=0 summer=1 end enum public Enum month jan=0 feb=1 end enum There are two different enums i want to pass in one common function like. pubic function fillenum(i send above enum as parameter) end function At the time of calling...