
  1. cyborg47

    POP3 prob HELP!!

    hey everyone, i've got stuck in the arena boss battle, whenever i jump on him the dagger flashes and i attack him, but the next time the dagger doesnt flash at all and that monster is throwing me away, plz help.
  2. R

    help @ POP sot

    4 years ago I played prince of persia for the last time / then again from yesterday . this time it is POP SOT ....many have played it and rated it very high . the camera is bit confusing anyway I am stuck in just 2% so asking help . I have to get the dagger ( i am in maharaja's vault ) So...
  3. B

    Stuck in Prince of persia.. helpppppp plzzzzzzz

    Hi I am playing Prince of persia sands of time and stuck near a buddhas statue where i need to take the dagger of time.... how and wht to do man ? plz helpppp. and is there any cheats available for the game to jump higher or fly ? coz i m unable to reach the dagger.
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