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  1. Jhaat Maharaj

    Recommend a PSU

    ~snipped~ !Kids don't watch porn! Please delete this thread
  2. Jhaat Maharaj

    V. P. Singh dead

    ^i'm with AlfaQ on reservation issue. we are brought up in city, so we dont see the real neccessity of reservation system. but i think reservation system should stop at education itself. i've also read many articles on bad treatment of lower caste families. In north east india, still the...
  3. Jhaat Maharaj

    The Whining/Complaint Thread

    Nobody is getting the point. by the way, the attitude of most people here(in that thread, the members who have bashed me for no reason) too low to comment on. Their attitude is what's degrading Digit's quality. T159, please read this...
  4. Jhaat Maharaj

    The Whining/Complaint Thread

    Thanks a lot were really quick in taking care of the NFS thread. :) about this thread- * take another look at the members who replied in OPPOSITION of a justified reason. i did a favor to mods/admins ^^. the reason why this forum...
  5. Jhaat Maharaj

    Request to Moderators

    I think you guys missed this line. First justify your posts, till then please don't fill this thread with spams. i didn't mean just the NFS thread, almost all the threads on recent games have discussions on such as "skulptra, razor...". members saying "i have skul version", some say "i have...
  6. Jhaat Maharaj

    Request to Moderators

    First justify your posts, till then please don't fill this thread with spams. :) pirating a game is same as stealing, but a thief doesn't cry on his loot, but you guys cry & whine so much by posting "don't tell me that EA got it wrong this time too..." etc etc. say if you cant afford a ice...
  7. Jhaat Maharaj

    The Whining/Complaint Thread

    Okay. Let that be a Whining Thread, why don't you read the title of this thread again. :)
  8. Jhaat Maharaj

    The Whining/Complaint Thread

    Do take a look here too * :)
  9. Jhaat Maharaj

    Request to Moderators

    i didn't quite understand this.
  10. Jhaat Maharaj

    Request to Moderators

    First of all please try to understand what i meant, if you didn't understand it, ask me, i'll explain word by word. read this thread. * NFS Undercover is a unreleased game in INDIA, look at the people crying over it as if they bought...
  11. Jhaat Maharaj

    Request to Moderators

    A kind request to the active mods of Gamerz forum. Please don't entertain any game review, discussion threads of UNRELEASED games or where members discuss or troubleshoot PIRATED games. Since most of the gamers here are from India, let them discuss about released games, but when they start...
  12. Jhaat Maharaj

    How many times get banned?

    thank you for the information. :) lol how are you KPower Mania/Psychosocial?
  13. Jhaat Maharaj

    How many times get banned?

    FEI i was not ranting at KPower Mania, i was only trying to help him.
  14. Jhaat Maharaj

    How many times get banned?

    Whats' this thread for? To CROWN the most number of times banned member as some CHAMPION?
  15. Jhaat Maharaj

    Obama Wins

    Don't post these lame racist jokes here. Us Indians have a long way to go in terms of equality. If you voted for a jackass and now abusing him, what does it make you?
  16. Jhaat Maharaj

    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    My last off topic message. To the people who think i dis-respected Kpower's parent. Well i have absolutely no idea on what you guys are talking about. Did i post something offensive, or was i swearing? Now to our favourite kid in this forum, You really are a spoilt brat, all that swearing...
  17. Jhaat Maharaj

    Official iOS devices thread

    re: Official iPhone/iPod Touch owners thread it seems iPod doesn't support the wi-fi audio, thats one feature i was looking for * I'll take 32GB model, my fiance has big collection, all that of classic songs. How much Apple charge for the dock, i...
  18. Jhaat Maharaj

    HP v/s Dell Laptop..Which one is better??

    about this, while you are customizing the laptop online, you can opt for DELL to make one or two partitions, but you dont have the control over the size of partition. btw, did you cosult the DELL website? here, click the link...
  19. Jhaat Maharaj

    Official iOS devices thread

    re: Official iPhone/iPod Touch owners thread Hello Apple guys. I'm on the lookout for a IPod. What i have is a Car audio system with iPod support & Home Theater with 7.1 ch at home. What i need is a universal music player, which will contain all my songs, so that i can listen to them when...
  20. Jhaat Maharaj

    Wanted a Thanda Thanda Cool Cool Refrigerator

    When the budget is 20k,i'd recommend double door models, LG is a good brand, i've been using one for 2 years. I also have 6 year Whirlpool fridge, but LG has more models to choose from.
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