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  1. S

    Toughest game to beat

    I say Tetris... Its been 10+ years and i am still not able to finish the game :P...
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    FS: Thermalright XP90

    Lol sandy.... I thought you wont mind a free bump :P...
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    As a former owner of a 7800GT SLI setup for few days i will say SLI sucks... For simple reasones... Not 100% compatabile with all games... Heating issues(With 7800GTX it heats up even more) Power Hungry(There isnt a decent power supply Available in india to run two overclocked high end...
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    A Single high end card is much better then buying two mid end cards at any given point on time and in any situation... With that being said buying a SLI mobo is a waste of money till the time you are cash strapped ;)... Cause if you are buying two mid end cards to do SLI then any bench mark...
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    Well in a budget of 4k i will recommend you getting a second hand 9800 Pro or something but you gotta look. Will cream all the other cards in its price range. A 9800 Pro's performance can be compared with a 6600 GT. It runs a tad slower but was king of the hill in its generation. Do look out for...
  6. S

    Opteron 939!!!!

    Yup and we live in India remember :roll:
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    glowing screws

    The could be UV paint coated screws... But to make a correct assumption we need to see a pic... BTW you can get UV paint here in India easily...
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    Samsung Sysncmaster 793MB is for around 6700... I got it for myself couple of weeks back... And its great for its price...
  9. S

    Zebronics 6600GT or BIG 6600GT??

    And BFG cards are made by Global connexions...
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    Zebronics 6600GT or BIG 6600GT??

    BIG 6600 GT BFG 6600 GT Just swap the stickers and you wont be able to tell which is what... BFG card pick curtosy newegg... Big's curtosy Darklord...
  11. S

    Zebronics 6600GT or BIG 6600GT??

    I had a pic of the BIG 6600 Gt let me look for it... It will clear all the doubts...
  12. S

    Zebronics 6600GT or BIG 6600GT??

    And actually this is the zebronics card... * And whomsoever didnt get what i am talking about BIG 6600 GT is the same card which is sold as BFG 6600 GT in US and BFG in US is considered "THE BEST" when it comes to Graphics card...
  13. S

    Zebronics 6600GT or BIG 6600GT??

    This * As BFG is not reviewed on AT so no point considering the scores... FiringSquad reviewed both the cards in question and BFG/BIG came on top... Do read the review...
  14. S

    Zebronics 6600GT or BIG 6600GT??

    @cybershastri I never said it is expensive all i said is even if it is... Anyways BIG is a brand which is being promoted by BBC ... What they are doing is that they are buying cards from the fab process instead of the big brands and selling it under thier own name... Fortunately the 6600 GT...
  15. S

    Zebronics 6600GT or BIG 6600GT??

    * There you go... Compare the same with the BIG 6600 GT and you will now why is BIG the card to get...
  16. S

    Zebronics 6600GT or BIG 6600GT??

    I would advise you to go with big... Even if it is expensive than zebronics... Why... just check out the BFG 6600 Gt and then compare it to BIG 6600 GT and you will know why ;)...
  17. S

    IS NVIDIA SLI(scalable link interface) worth its money ??

    * Go through this
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    needed 2 buy a good camera????? help needed..

    Just Curious... Why do you need a 7 MP... Are you gonna print pics more than A4 Size...
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    Motherboard for AMD 64 bit 3000+

    You can go in for MSI Neo 4 Diamond and that is easily available in india... The best mobo is though by DFI but its not available here in India... If you can, source one from outside...
  20. S

    how good is the GeForce 6600 ???

    6600 Good 6600 GT Great