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  1. raina_rocks

    projects on symbian

    hey digitians... plz help me on this.... m plannin 2 strt a project on symbian... cn u ppl suggest sm good projects... n help me out with it!!! thanks a lot... if u want further details plz reply!!!
  2. raina_rocks

    problem in web pages

    hey im havin a problem in sm of d web pages like google n yahoo.... they all r openin in sm deutschland language.... i tried 2 search fr changin d language option but cudnt find it.... im facing d same prob in firefox, flock as well as ie.... plz help plz reply plz reply......
  3. raina_rocks

    subtitles for videos(songs)???

    hey ppl i need subtitles fr songs....... can sm1 tell me where can i get them???
  4. raina_rocks

    hey do u ppl kno bout funmaza...... its a site using wich u can send a mail to a person srm sm 3rd person....:) like u can send a mail frm ur frnd to sm other frnd..... its gr8 yaar it is *
  5. raina_rocks

    no. of posts dont increase!!!!

    hey ppl ....... wenever u post on this forum ur posts shud increase..... but i c many times d no of posts dont increase..... this shud happen only wen u r postin 2 posts 1 aftr d other...... eg; my no of posts hav been 50 since d past three days..... no matter wen n hw many times i post......:o
  6. raina_rocks

    airtel gprs or 64 kb connection???

    hey ppl i need sm help in deciding wich connection shud i use fr net..... at present im using airtel mob office..... it gives me a gud surfing speed n ok download speed.... but i hav a choice to use 64k connection...... i wanna kno wich will b better??? i do a lot of surfing.... n download...
  7. raina_rocks

    help.... need a cell b/w 6-7k

    hey ppl plz help me, i need a cell phone b/w 6-7k it shud hav followin features.... 1. a decent cam(1.3mp cam will b ok) 2. fm radio 3. a big phone mem(for contacts n stuff) 4. gprs..... shud b able 2 run mobileoffice w/o any probs 5. bluetooth(not tat imp) 6. music player wit a decent sound...
  8. raina_rocks

    HELP XP installation

    i connested my hdd with my frnds pc n thn deleted formatted it n thn wen i wantd 2 install back win xp on my pc..... it cudnt install coz i hav an outdated mothr brd..... n d bios doesnt work properly.... so my questn is can i install xp by connectin my hdd on sm other pc...... or it has 2 b...
  9. raina_rocks

    hw to connect 2 pcs???

    hey ppl..... i want 2 connect 2 pcs in my room ..... can u ppl tell me hw can i connect it using lan cable..... i mean i need 2 kno d settings tat r to b made???
  10. raina_rocks

    A trojan which can change d mac address of the server!!!

    hey ppl do u know abt a trojan which can change the mac address of d server....... relly interesting:p...... its name is smthing like donaldick or donalduck..... does sm1 has info bout it???