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  1. napsterabhi

    Happy Birthday to the Highest poster of our forum "pathiks"

    Stop! Stop! guys...its not his Birthday today.....:D @pathiks, why did u give a wrong info while registration?.:D
  2. napsterabhi

    Level of News and News Channel in India is decreasing?

    thing i hate about cnn-ibn......... unnecessary polls......:mad::mad: next wud b "wil ash-abhi hav a child" sms to 1234....
  3. napsterabhi

    Rate the username above you!

    :d:d 8/10
  4. napsterabhi

    Please help this Bhutanese Dude

    what a thread name raa.....
  5. napsterabhi

    Why is my number of posts not moving!!!!!

    yeah......i am not worried...see mine......:D:D
  6. napsterabhi

    is indian democracy becoming an oligarchy?

    "gals"....sure there wudnt be any......
  7. napsterabhi

    Rate the avatar above yours

    3/10...... is that u? 'I' will rate mine ......10/10..:D:D:D i love 9 ball
  8. napsterabhi

    Top ten useless/funny threads posted in DIGIT Forum!!

    whoa........ make this sticky.....
  9. napsterabhi

    Very creative CD hole art

    great ones....
  10. napsterabhi

    Rs.39000/- worth full software Free

    their web address?
  11. napsterabhi

    Is this rock or metal?

    that sound......hah hah.....i know..... jus go to ur kitchen and start throwing plates, utensils, tumblers, etc everywhere as madly as possible.....ur's will be a better sound than this....:D:D:D
  12. napsterabhi

    :: The Formula 1 - 2007 Season Thread ::

    possible in Monaco.....
  13. napsterabhi

    Jhoom barabar jhoom review!!!!!!!

    all crap films in this season..... hey, will hav to see "Sivaji" after my exams.
  14. napsterabhi

    Sony apologises over violent game

    thread heading shud be "Nightmare doesnt apologise over violent avatar":D:D:D crap....
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