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  1. R

    [By Demand] March 2009

    How about reducing the price??... I just can't buy the mag at 150 bucks.....
  2. R

    [Preview + Feedback] Feb 2009

    Thanks for The Slip...
  3. R

    [Preview + Feedback] Digit December 2007 Special Issue

    Review of this month's Special mag: 1)Preferred the old format of a single mag. The 5 different mags although good yet leave somewhat much more to desire. And as mentioned numerous times before - cut out the ads. 2) Good stuff in the DVD's. Not impressed by the widescreen wallpaper collection(as...
  4. R

    [Preview + Feedback] Digit December 2007 Special Issue

    Well, guys A BIG THANKS for the awesome December Magazine. Digit ROcks
  5. R

    [By Demand] Digit December 2007 Special Issue

    How 'bout Calvin and Hobbes Can you people plz give this huge collection of Calvin and hobbes? Sorry if it's illegal. The site is *
  6. R

    FS : Nintendo Wii @ 19k

    I don't know, but 19k sounds high. Where else is the Wii officially availble (I don't mean the gray market)? The price in USA is somewhat 250$ so I was hoping for something around 10-15 K
  7. R


    I don't believe in piracy. However circumstances force me to be a pirate. My favourite artists are Linkin Park, BeeGees, Pink Floyd etc. My favourite OS is Windows. But I can't afford them. I am not well-monied. My father is not sitting on a gold mine. So what do I do? I go to piratesbay and...