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  1. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Which Earphones To Buy

    Go for sennheiser cx-180 or above( like cx300 or 400) if you have that sort of budget.
  2. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Issues with Vista x64 Ultimate Edition !!

    Wait. You havent installed drivers and you're saying that it isnt working? What the ****in hell? :O
  3. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Vista SP1 downloaders bite back

    What a bunch of whiners!
  4. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    The AIM of Life

  5. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    opera browser error: reparse HTML

    upgrade to opera 9.26. I tried with different browsers, including ie8, and im having no problems.
  6. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Best thing to listen to.....

    Ed alleyne johnson For the love of god, listen to this!!
  7. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Sun DTH Deploys Harmonic’s Video DeliverySolutions for India’s First MPEG-4 DTH!

    Hopefully this persuades other providers to switch from the shitty quality that they're providing. :)
  8. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Using laptop's display

    Vga boxes will work only if your laptop supports vga input, which most laptops dont do.
  9. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Heating Problem

    Maybe the thermal paste isnt applied correctly?
  10. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Its XP... again!!

    I would do a fresh install, these kind of viruses are nearly impossible to recover from.
  11. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Safari 3.1 released

    Im surprised! I'll be using safari from now on! :D
  12. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Safari 3.1 released

    Ok, heres a live lest: * Post back results with your browsers, preferrably with screenshots of the result. I'll post back when I finish d'ling the new safari.
  13. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Issues with Vista x64 Ultimate Edition !!

    Go to the folder where the torrent data is being downloaded and right click on the folder and then go th the security tab, and select your username from the list and tick on full control allow box.
  14. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Safari 3.1 released

    Nope, thats false info you've got there sir! heres a comparison: * Its somewhat old, but the argument holds weight.
  15. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    *** Science Or God? ***

    Re: ***science Or God?*** People just throw out terms for sake of arguments, forgetting that their myopic vision will bring demise to human population one way or the others. We should have been out there populating other planets and keeping the species alive, but we'd rather fight ourselves to...
  16. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Windows XP SP3 installation error

    Its always a good idea to do a fresh windows install for a service pack.
  17. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Safari 3.1 released

    You people need to experience opera. Fastest browser on earth, bar none! Safari on windows is too damn buggy to use, guess i'll check out the latest builds.
  18. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Which was the last "original" DVD you BOUGHT?

    I bought most of my movies on dvds, last one being "primer". Was really hard to locate, but itwas soooo worth it! :D
  19. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Issues with Vista x64 Ultimate Edition !!

    1) Try disabling auto jack detection from the realtek audio manager. 2) Thats really a broad issue, what bittorrent client are you using? have you portforwarded?
  20. MiNiMaL_sAnItY

    Movies Discussion Thread V1: Ratings and Opinions

    Watched the rambo series last week. And I instantly grew a beard!
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