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  1. T

    New rig for 1440p gaming.

    I was thinking along the same lines.....but I was wondering if I could save up till say Piledriver, and instead use my Phenom II x2 550be meanwhile? Will the dual cores only bottleneck the hd7850 @ 1440p?
  2. T

    How can i join multiple HDD to pc if sata slots or power slots are full?

    What I mean is, I had 2x 500GB Hard disk's in RAID0. I had another 500GB spare, and a SSD for booting OS. When nothing was being read or written to the RAID (the system using other hdd's), the RAID powered down the HDD's no issues. RAID0 has a high risk of failing because of the nature of the...
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    How can i join multiple HDD to pc if sata slots or power slots are full?

    Erm, I ran Raid0 on my 500GB hdd's for 4 years. They did not run 24x7. Where did you hear that? I do not know if this is true for external storage though.
  4. T

    Budget Gaming rig (20k-not flexible at any cost)

    At that resolution, you are better off with the A8....especially if you do not plan on upgrading for 4 years. By then, even lga1155 will be moot.
  5. T

    Build a good budget gaming pc

    Why does no one ever suggest 2*xGB ram, instead of just 4GB or 8GB? What if OP ends up getting a single channel stick?? :-( :shock::confused:
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    Building a Geek's machine under 40k

    Ok, here is the deal, I was kinda wrong...the i5 3550 only has a HD2000 which is just about enough to play back 1080p movies smoothly. Do not expect any gaming though. The i5 will certainly be much better at multi-threaded tasks and multitasking. If you do want slightly better graphics however...
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    Building a Geek's machine under 40k

    Why is everyone suggesti GFX for OP's rig? HD4000 should be fine for coding. IMO that might be better as he gets more processing power. Also get 2x RAM's for dual memory channels. * Intel i5-3550 -- 13.5k * H77 motherboard (which?) -- ~5-7k * G.skill 2*4GB DDR3 ripjaws RAM -- 3.5k * WDC Blue...
  8. T

    Suggestion for low budget gamming pc!!!!

    Totally agree. I got an A6 for my dad, does ut3 @ max settings even on a 1080p screen. It is a very nice gaming chip on it's own and will really shine if played at settings of 720p or 900p.
  9. T

    New rig for 1440p gaming.

    Hey, I already have that SSD as mentioned :P Also 970 motherboards only allow cfx @4x pcie2, that would suck if I wanna crossfire later. Don't need a dvd writer either. Also I am pretty fixated on the NZXT Phantom 410 :D Finally, router? :( I think if I ditch that cabinet, the ssd, the writer...
  10. T

    Budget Gaming rig (20k-not flexible at any cost)

    Fill this dude: 1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et cetera.') Ans: 2. What is your overall budget? If you can...
  11. T

    new pc @ 40k

    Yep, sounds good. Although I would recommend a H77 motherboard personally, even if a had to choose a H67 mobo, I would still avoid an Intel motherboard. Vengeance RAM is also very tall, and will rule out quite a few aftermarket coolers if such a thing is ever necessary. Ripjaws should cost the...
  12. T

    Is cost of internet resonable in India?

    I got a uTele plan in Pune @1100 bucks a month. It gives me 12mbps for the first 20GB, then 1mbps Unlimited. Granted for some reason utube buffer sucks, but I still get 950kbps / 109kbps download speed in uTorrent depending on which plan is in effect. :)
  13. T

    new pc @ 40k

    CPU - Phenom II 960T - 7k (else you can get a non overclock able SB) Mobo - AsRock fx990 Extreme4 - 10k GPU - HD 7770 - 9k (should be enough for your resolution, and will consume far less power than anything Nvidia 5x) PSU - get someone else's suggestion, will not exceed 4k-4.5k for a good one...
  14. T

    New rig for 1440p gaming.

    1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you going to run? (Stupid answers like 'gaming' or 'office work' will not work. Be exact. Which games? Which applications? Avoid the word 'et cetera.') Ans: I love Shogun II, HOI-3, Civilization 5, AC and such games...
  15. T

    Anyone planning for vacation trip to MARS!!!

    Oh boy! I wonder if it will actually happen though. Highly unlikely to land on mars anytime soon. On a relevant note, watch the Carl Sagan documentary, "Cosmos". He will take you on a real trip to space ;)
  16. T

    Building a 30k rig for my dad.

    Hey guys, going to pick up the stuff for the build tomorrow. Will order some of the things online as well. Any last minute suggestions? I really would like to not mess this up :P Thanks!
  17. T

    Building a 30k rig for my dad.

    Ok guys, thanks for the quick responses! I am sorry for not replying earlier but I only got a message from the forums y'day about replies being posted on this thread. :) Secondly, rules are rules. Hence. 1. What is the purpose of the computer? What all applications and games are you...
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    Building a 30k rig for my dad.

    Hello guys! Its great to be a part of this forum! So here is the deal, my dad has assigned me with building him a 30k rig. The primary purpose of this rig is to enable him to watch movies in high quality (fullHD will be nice), browse the internet comfortably (he needs only 5-10 tabs open) and...
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