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  1. T

    CPU Config - Need Advice

    Consider the present first and then the future.OK?Games in the future will need a better graphics card too.Why don't you recommend something like GTX470? And let me remind you that i3 comes with hyper threading technology.It has 2 virtual cores+2 real cores. So it's not a simple dual core like...
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    A PC for my Daughter

    this time I agree with you :D An athlon quad with gts450 and 4 gigs of RAM seems solid.
  3. T

    CPU Overclock List & Discussion Thread

    Re: i3 530 with 1666 RAM? default voltage is 1.5v I think.AFAIK you will only see the SPD voltage in CPU-Z ie.1.5V.
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    CPU Overclock List & Discussion Thread

    Re: i3 530 with 1666 RAM? ya you can increase your DRAM Bus Voltage.same Note:Again don't go above 1.65v.It can harm your cpu. Wish you all the best!
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    CPU Overclock List & Discussion Thread

    Re: i3 530 with 1666 RAM? It's better not to play with QPI voltage.It might overvolt if you set it on AUTO.The lower the better. Anything above 1.4 is not recommended AFAIK.Make sure that there's not more than .5v difference between your CPU voltage and QPI/DRAM voltage. I don't recommend...
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    CPU Overclock List & Discussion Thread

    Re: i3 530 with 1666 RAM? Try it without upping the voltage and see if the system is stable.Run some 3D application or something like that to test stability.
  7. T

    CPU Config - Need Advice

    Again... It's not when it comes to gaming and photoshop operations. For complete results, go here
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    i3 530 with 1666 RAM?

    Yep :) But also tell him that there's no harm in using a 1666Mhz stick.The only problem is that it will run @1333Mhz only.
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    i3 530 with 1666 RAM?

    oh boy you have a very good mobo.You can OC your i7 950 like a breeze.Are you interested in overclocking?You will get considerable performance boost if you do so.
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    i3 530 with 1666 RAM?

    The i7 950 was launched in 2009.I think Intel was unsure about the performance of the then unstable DDR 3 RAM.That might be why they set the default speed to 1066 and allowed the users to OC it even to 2000Mhz at their own risk. Sabertooth x58?
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    i3 530 with 1666 RAM?

    Read this first Power failure. will come back later and post all details Here you go: Maximum PC | Ultimate Core i7 Overclocking Guide -- We Push Nehalem to its Limits The 1st link I posted wont be very useful for you.People with old PCs can use it.You follow the second link. Which motherboard...
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    i3 530 with 1666 RAM?

    AFAIK an i3 530 will support speeds of up to 1333Mhz only.You can put a 1666Mhz stick into it but it will only run@1333Mhz not @1666Mhz.Your i7 will support only1066Mhz sticks default.But you can tweak the setting in the bios and it will support even a 1600Mhz stick.
  13. T

    CPU Config - Need Advice

    Why do you want to run half life @100fps???You should go for a quad if you're looking for multitasking. Intel doesn't offer a quad at that price range so forget about the quad but the sandy bridge i3 which is about to release in a week is an excellent cpu.But it wont be as cheap as the AMD X4...
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    Linux Customization

    Mint is a Linux distro that is based on Debian os.10 is the version no.of Mint.It is also the latest edition of Mint.
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    Linux Customization

    System configuration is good enough. The Linux Mint Blog Blog Archive Linux Mint 10 KDE RC released! I strongly recommend Mint.The newbie's OS. New features in Linux Mint 10 KDE - Linux Mint Take a look at Julia KDE!So beautiful an so easy...
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    Linux Customization

    that's a nice cute app. But aren't you worried about the future of the IT industry.What would happen if everything goes for free?How will we earn money?:cry: We surely cant live off the 1 or 2 dollar daily donation that we get for our software:smile::cry:.
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    Linux Customization

    Don't know.Maybe using wine?They have better alternatives. I really really love this thing eventhough it's not a Linux exclusive.
  18. T

    Linux Customization

    utkarsh,ubuntu is not that easy to customise.In Windows all you need to do is launch the control panel and in a few minutes you have everything setup the way you want and you can forget about the OS. @thetechfreak oops.I forgot about gaming. :D Another reason to dualboot.
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    Linux Customization

    Ubuntu is definitely the best distro out there but I don't think newbies will find it easy. Btw,I personally feel he should dual boot windows and linux :D.There are some good software that run on Windows/Mac only.What do you think techfreak?
  20. T

    Linux Customization

    Ubuntu is not user-friendly at all.You will have to type in commands for doing even the simplest of things.Mint is a good choice. Another excellent distro is PCLOS KDE.Take a look here: KDE Desktop PCLinuxOS First try Ubuntu and Mint.If you don't feel comfortable try PCLOS.It's very user-friendly.
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