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  1. G

    SMS Groups ...

    Hii friends ... I was wondering how many websites are there which offer the Free SMS service. Like ... say you create groups and then members of that group receive free messages. Two such website I know are: and . Please share if you know any more websites.
  2. G

    Got my N82 Black today!

    Yippee ... I finally got my N82 Black today ... Only one word for it ... A W E S O M E !!! Thanks to you guys for your advice !
  3. G

    G900 or N82?

    Hello friends ... After deciding to purchase N82, I went to the shop to get it. Somehow, the shopkeeper convinced me that there are better phones in this range. For instance, he showed me K850i and W960. But I rejected both of them instantaneously. Next came SE G900. Touchscreen, better music...
  4. G

    20k - Whats the best deal?

    Hello friends. I am here in the forum after a real long time. Well, I need some help from you guys yet again. I am planning to buy a cell in the 20k budget. I prefer having a good camera (5 mp) and decent music. Symbian platform and good looks would be an added bonus. I've shortlisted N82...
  5. G

    n82 or c902 ? which is better

    please help me in deciding which is bettr all-rounder in n82 and c902 esp with reference to music. its urgent as i need to get the fone tomorrow itself
  6. G

    plese help me to decide a fone

    i am new here. actually i was luking for a phones website to help me to decide a fone when i saw this forum and joind it. plese tell me which fone is bettr between c902 and k850, i want a all rounder fone. plese help me
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