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    Seagate 160 GB IDE PATA HDD

    Seagate 160 GB IDE HDD -- Rs.1600 shipped Warranty -- remaining till 31st March 2012 Recently RMA'ed about 15 days ago. So it as good as new. Here are pics:
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    want to buy 10/100 mbps ethernet switch

    I have a internet connection 512 kbps...and i want to share it between laptop and pc for that i need 10/100 switch.....where to buy it cheaply?? I am from mumbai.
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    plzz help needed

    I have a internet connection 512 kbps...and i want to share it between laptop and pc for that i need 10/100 switch.....where to buy it cheaply?? I am from mumbai.
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    please help me selecting the motherboard

    I have finally selected the processor that is amd x2 7750BE....3.5k i have finally list down some motherboards... Biostar TA780G M2+ which is around 3.5k is it a good choice because i am very tight on my budget for mobo+procc. is strictly 7k. please suggest me...
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    where can i buy cheapest 80mm or 120mm casing fan?

    I am from mumbai want to buy cheapest 80 and 120 mm casing fan where can i get? i dont need brand.......but should work..also what is the price?
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    Fs My Old Pc Stuffs

    INTEL P4 PROCESSOR 1.5 GHZ -- Rs.500 AGP GeForce MX 4000 128MB DDR -- Rs.500 PSU INTEX 300W -- Rs.300 RAM SD 128 MB -- Rs.150 RAM SD 512 MB (hynix) -- Rs. 350 shipping will cost extra charge......or self collect from my home... preferably mumbai buyers.... Here are my few old stuffs for...
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    MY new Hoot palit hd 4850 + Andyson G530

    My new HOOTS pics are here!!![/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG]
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    Advice needed regarding Graphic card.

    My uncle is sending me the graphic card from singapore......i am going to use it on 19" monitor..Powercolor hd4830 costs me Rs.4800....and palit hd4850 costs me Rs.6400.then which should i go for?.which one is more value for money??..... Thank You!!
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    help me selecting the graphic card

    i have rig of intel e7200,2 gb ram....i am going to play latest games on 19" monitor....with high settings...all new games should rum fine.....suggest appropriate card...thank you!!!!!!!!
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    suggestions needed.....buying new pc....

    hello guys ...i am going to buy the new pc my budget is around Rs. 25000/- i have list out some components...plzz make corrections if any...(i am frm mumbai) mobo + procc= intel e7200+ palit n73v ram = 2 gb transcend hard disk 250gb cabinet= (not decided) keyboard + mouse speakers cd-rom...
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