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  1. timemachine

    Help me buying a notebook PC

    Hello to all I am pretty confused buying a notebook PC :confused: I have a desktop but LOLzz im not satisfied with 1:D Can u help me with your own experiences or personal reviews of laptops? I am confused at AMD or INTEL and the BRAND NAME ALSO:confused: Thanks:p
  2. timemachine

    Some help regarding openSUSE

    I found opensuse in this month's subscription of subscription. I installed whatever i like. But i think there was some problem with the installation:(. The monitor turns off when logon screen is to be appeared.:(:confused: I think i got configuration settings as Monitor LG 15 cm and...
  3. timemachine

    Advanced C Tutorial (UNIX). All about the real power of C, supplied step by step

    This thread will contain the advanced topics in C under UNIX plateform. If you use windows, dont get disappointed because "CYGWIN" is available to give a unix like enviornment in windows. You can search and download it. Rembember you will only need the GCC part. Let's start with the main...
  4. timemachine

    TSR(Terminate and Stay Resident in memory) in C. A small Tutorial

    Terminate and Stay Resident(TSR) is a system call in the DOS operating systems that returned control to the system as if the program had quit, but kept the program in memory. Many times reffered as multitasking in DOS. A DOS based C compiler( such as Turbo C++) offers 640KB of memory...
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