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  1. Z

    WinXP Problem: KernelFaultCheck

    Hi Friends, im using winxpsp2(autoupdated) with norton2005 all updated. Since past few days i am noticing a strange problem in my PC. Sometimes when i shut down the computer the normal way, it Restarts instead of Shutting down and then after that Scandisk begins to run while booting. I didnt...
  2. Z

    NortonAV2002 OR NortonAV2005?

    hi guys...i know lots of threads already exists about subjects related to norton softwares...but none could answer my query so i am writing this one..i have a winxpsp2 system...PIII 450 MHz with 256 MB RAM...currently im using nortonAV 2002 & its working fine... i wanna upgrade it to...
  3. Z

    WindowsXPSP2: QoS >> Limit Reservable Bandwith

    i am using winxpsp2...before this i was using xpsp1 and initially just i understand there is a component in winxp called QoS...although i am not much aware of what it is for, but i guess it has something to do with monitoring services & its installed by default ( i may be wrong)
  4. Z

    WindowsXpSp2: Services...

    i have installed sp2 recently over xpsp1, after installing sp2, i installed media player 10...for past few days im noticing a new service in my start up list of processes when i check using task manager by Ctrl+alt+del...the name of program is "wdfmgr.exe"...i tracked it down to control panel>>...
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    WinXPSP2 :How to remove previous system file backup??

    I have installed winxpsp2 over winxpsp1...the installation was smooth and everything is running fine...during installation, i was asked to backup my existing system files and as there wasnt any other option not to backup, i just followed... Now there is a folder by the name of...