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  1. mahendraraut

    M$ is lible to pay tax on Royalty in india....

    I just seen this news on CNBC it says that Microsoft has to pay tax on Royalty in india which they are getting from sell of there softwares... Reasone is that M$ is giving the license of the software, not selling it.... (I dont have more details regarding that. ..)
  2. mahendraraut

    which lappy to choose?... Dell -Vostro 1500 or XPS M1530.

    i m confused which one should i choose? both having almost same configuration with price difference near about 2K as vostro is made for bussiness peoples it having some professional look and strong build but its little heavy 3.0kg in contrast XPS is for home use. its slim having 2.7kg weight...
  3. mahendraraut

    which Laptop to choose?

    I m planing to buy laptop, but i m confused now! which is better for quality and service? i am confused between Dell,HP,acer and Sony. many peoples are saying that Dell is better but its service is not proper.(i m living in pune, my local friends says that if there is any hardware prob. then...
  4. mahendraraut

    Google have started free web based Document & Spreadsheet programe..

    After all once Google have started there online web based Document and Spreadsheet program. u just need to have a google account and u r ready to use the program. for more go through and add here ur experiance also.
  5. mahendraraut

    How to access third party cookies using ASP/JSP?

    I having problem while accesing third party cookies, I am doing project in which i have created two web sites. and now i want to relate those sites with each other, how can i do that. i readed somewhere that its possible to access the third party cookie, but how? not knowing. please can anyone...
  6. mahendraraut

    How to compile Java and C++ programes in opensuse 10.2

    I have tried to compile Java and C++ programes on Fadora 4 before in terminal, now i have installed opensuse linux 10.2 but there is only JAVA runtime environment but not java compiler. what to do now?. Is it available there or i have to Install it?. and how? from where i will get it? plz help.
  7. mahendraraut

    Incrising 6681's RAM

    I have installed Acrobat reader and Flash player on my Nok 6681 mobile, its working for small size files but not for large files. i checked my mobile RAM via a software, its 20 MB but around 15 MB in use. i cannot open the files which are more than 3-4 MB in size. IS there any solution for...
  8. mahendraraut

    Developing mobile applicatios

    which are the tools and e-books available for devoloping the mobile applications for Symbian platform and for java applications? i.e for 60 series.
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