Recent content by silent008

  1. S

    8086 programming problem

    I believe that the instructions are fetched from 4200H and the data is stored in A350H.
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    Windows 7 RC Build 7100 Installation Error 0x80070570 at "Expanding Files"

    I dont think the source of install is your problem. I had faced it during beta installation(dont remember the error code). The ISO file was corrupt. Ran a MD5 checksum and compared it with other users result posted on the net. I had to download it again and make sure that the download was not...
  3. S

    need help with the below logic/code

    No doubt the counter has been initialized to 5 in form load, but I think that every second the timer event occurs and counter is decremented so it will have a value of -1 at som point of time. I am jst trying to help, even i might be wrong
  4. S

    need help with the below logic/code

    Have you set the timer interval. If yes to what value
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    Java Queries Here..

    Thanks Bandu, That worked And sorry for the noobie question. As I am new to Java I got confused. I thought B xyz[]=new B[10] is enough to initialize Thanks Again!!!!
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    Java Queries Here..

    Consider the following structure class A{ //something valid } class B { int id; A abc[]; b() {abc=new A[10];} } let A temp=new A(); and is initialized and B xyz[]=new B[10]; now when i try this for(i=0;i<10;i++) for(j=0;j<10;j++) xyz[i].abc[j]=temp; I get java.lang.nullpointer...
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    The Official Windows 7 Discussion Thread

    Thnx desiibond, did the same thing and got windows xp installed and then ran the setup with updates on. everything is working fine except my ATI drivers.
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    The Official Windows 7 Discussion Thread

    I am trying to install Windows 7 on my system. On completing installation it shows a screen which says preparing windows for first run. And then it shows a BSOD that says that a critical process or thread has exited or terminated Can somebody help me!!!
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    Yes CGI is outdated and also resource hungry you can use jsp or php. CGI Scripts basically r scripts used to process input given by user thru web interface It generates output as html Wht i hv learned is that these scripts can be written in C or Perl too.
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    Help in Fedora

    In terminal type su >enter ur root passwd >enter command mkdir /media/sda1(replace this with the u wld like for ur partition) >enter command mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 This wld mount ur partition sda1 which mostly is the c drive if u want to mount partitions at boot time edit the file...
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    Weird problem due to virus..

    I think ur virus problem is solved but the autorun.inf file still remains in the root of each drive. When u right click and open ur drive find out a file autorun.inf(might be hidden so enable the option from folder options) and then delete the file . Restart ur computer. This should solve ur...
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    Linux on USB Drives

    Basically flash drives r based on the EEPROM technique. So every time u write the area is first erased and then written upon. Since memory is composed of transistors the transistors wear out due to this frequent read and write operations. Basically a medium quality flash drive can give u few...
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    Linux on USB Drives

    I had tried installing DSL on my music player. It created two partitions in the player one for booting and another for data. I think to make it bootable it is necessary to format it so that the boot sector can be created on it. But i may be wrong!!!:lol:
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    Auto Mounting Partitions in Ubuntu

    I dont think that windows locks the drives. I think its because the log file for the ntfs drives are not clean(not terminated at end),it indicates unclean shutdown(even if its hibernated). writing on to such disks without scanning them for errors can lead to data loss, thus the mount application...
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    Tips n Tricks for Linux

    Re: Mounting .iso and .mds/mdf Files in Linux yes it is true that is why it has been specified that bootsector size is 446 bytes. Simply replace 512 by 446