Recent content by scylo

  1. S

    Asus DR-570

    Asus DR-570 eReader Whats the prices of Asus DR-570 eBook Reader in India... particularly in Mumbai and where can i get it?
  2. S

    Books for C++

    Thanks for the replies guyss... i guess the decision is entirely upto me... thanks y'all
  3. S

    Books for C++

    Thanks for the replies... Is Let Us C by Yashkant Kanetkar a good book for starting??
  4. S

    Books for C++

    I decided to learn C++ (i have a knowledge of other programming language), So can anybody suggest a good book or site where I could start learning this language...???... And if possible also suggest books from beginners to Pro.. (i hope i can achieve this!! :mrgreen:).... Thanks in advance to...
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