Recent content by rtginc

  1. R

    Overheating problems

    Hi, I need a help friends I am afraid my machine gets too hot after working for 9-10 hours continuously.Some of the IC's may get melted,can you guys suggest me some alternative method to protect those IC's .Actually my service provider asked me get those IC's changed in order to avoid my machine...
  2. R

    What A Problem?

    I have been handling a server from last 2 months.Actually this server as owner says got restart suddenly then when it started working suddenly all machine attached to it got dump error.After manually restarting the server the attached machine came back to life but server got out off order.Its...
  3. R

    My Machine Got Crazy....

    Hi,Friends I need some help from you all.My computer has gone crazy it seems.I have purchased new machine at my place but the problem is that suddenly my machine got hanged initially it got started and my antivirus was getting updated and suddenly it crashed down it was just as if it got hanged...
  4. R

    What to Install First Vista or XP ?

    Ya I too think Windows xp is followed by Vista.I think if you want an information regarding the up gradation you should follow this advice mentioned above or if you want to install operating system on your machine then you may go with any of the system but you are looking for purchasing a system...
  5. R

    Why Anti-Hacking Software Is A Growing Need Of Todays Bussiness World?

    Do you all know that orginally "hacker" means a very talented programmer,who is gifted to access various systems.This word has a positive aspect if we look real meaning of the word but now-a -days it has negative implicatons.Why this has happened?A word with positive meaning is now counted in...
  6. R

    Importance Of Work Station Setup

    Workstation a place where most of us spend half of the day.It is seen that everyday we spend our time sitting on computer,sending and receiving mails,recieving calls and faxes.Most of us face a general problem when we return home regarding back pain,debilitating neck and shoulder pain.This is...
  7. R

    Problem With Booting

    I have a problem with my machine in booting the system.Mine is the new machine and though with all new configurations I have problem with booting.My machine gets restarted again and again. after first boot. if I go to open an application like word and try to close it i am unable to close it and...
  8. R

    All Calcuttans in Digit

    :p Hey I think its a nice idea.In this way we will not only make new friends all over calcutta but we can solve each others queries.But I would prefer that why to restrict it to kolkata only lets make it wide a bit and include other metro cities too so that we can get more working brains to get...
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