Recent content by puja399

  1. puja399

    what to do for the best browsing speed?

    I think for getting best browsing speed, u need to take Broadband. :)
  2. puja399

    How to launch applications from VB?

    1) Easy approach --> ShellExecute API 2) Advanced approach (with much more control)--> CreateProcess API
  3. puja399

    a small c problem

    Exactly so, however, u can implement a simple map in C using a 2D array.
  4. puja399

    a small c problem

    Create a dictionary in an array, and u don't have to use 'case' or 'else if ' ladders.
  5. puja399

    120 mm case fans, availability and cost

    Why do u want to use 120mm fans?? It requires 120mm cut outs in the back of the cabinet which is rare. Only high end cabinets have 120mm cut outs but they usually come with 120mm fans bundled with them, like Antec Super LANBOY. Moreover 120mm fans are usually low speed (for making them less...
  6. puja399

    Windows activation......

    Funny.... I never had any trouble with windows updates, or service pack installations, or activation with my XP so far... as a matter of fact I didn't activate it yet since last 2 years :) And I am still happy with IE7, WMP11 etc. on my XP... I wonder whats the secret !!! :D :D
  7. puja399

    Broadband with Dial-up's

    Re: Try finding it out Absolutely wrong...if connected through anon proxy, it cannot detect the real IP. Filewalled Dial-up(???!!!!) thats really fast... nearly like broadband??????? What on earth is that???? How can a firewall be FAST??? Please explain.
  8. puja399

    Broadband with Dial-up's

    A very interesting discussion indeed !!!!! Seems that perhaps finally we are going to emulate a 10Mbps connection (may be even more..!!) by suitably using a number of dial-up modems (Reliance will be happy too!!) at a time. DOWN WITH BROADBAND...HAIL DIAL-UP. However for that we will need...
  9. puja399

    How to record a gameplay

    Use FRAPS to record Audio & video during gameplay, and monitor FPS too.
  10. puja399

    Can i make a movie ?

    ...I don't remember myself learning those tables ever in my school life....and I also don't remember myself feeling the need to learn those tables ever afterwards. (But surprisingly that didn't prevent me in getting 90+ in college maths), I wonder how the world (inside India, that is) evolved...
  11. puja399

    Yahoo hacked

    The site has been removed by the Yahoo authority
  12. puja399

    Which Mini-DV Camcoder is the best???

    ..yeah...and get decapitated by $ony $sevice $tations :p $ony uses proprietory spares and their prices are sky high as compared to Panasonic. More often than not I have heard poeple saying that buying a new Sony handycam from gray market is easier and wiser than getting a faulty Sony handycam...
  13. puja399

    Which is the best Encryption software???

    Truecrypt (Freeware, Opensource), use google to find D/L link. Unless u give away ur pass, recovering the pass is not possible, and lost pass=lost data. It is claimed that there is no backdoor in that software and it uses military grade encryption.
  14. puja399

    C programs explanation

    ....perhaps u shld start with a math text book. :p :p
  15. puja399

    Alien Google

    ...or may be gary4gar IS a hacker !!!!!!! :D :D
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