Recent content by phatratt

  1. phatratt

    motorola mobile radiation

    sony w800i shud meet u'r requirements.
  2. phatratt


    its * there is some problem with the link
  3. phatratt

    Motorola L6 DRIVER ????

    u need to buy a data cable which is bundled with a cd too.U will get all sort of apps,firmware at
  4. phatratt

    Which Countries Have Lowest Hardware Prices???

    Taiwan,korea and CHEAP china are the hubs for manufacturing h/w components.
  5. phatratt

    Removing GRUB loader of SuSE 9.1??

    boot loader reside in teh master boot record(MBR) area,u need to reset it,simple solution is a win98 bootable floopy/cd,enter dos mode and fdisk/mbr.
  6. phatratt

    Sugggest me some games

    ^^i don't think intel onboard chips share their ram with graphics.AFAIK only sis,via and others have use shared memory technique. You will be able to play most of the recent games with low or moderate settings at playable frame rates.
  7. phatratt

    Can i make a movie ?

    use power point,its lot easier and cost efective but,it won't make effective learning.just give a shot at it.
  8. phatratt

    how to beat viruses

    i don't think it will work on all virus,better solution,avoid downloading from a insecure site or if u are not well aware with what you are downloading.Prevention is better than cure:)
  9. phatratt

    Kindly Help Guys!!! Hard disk space lost!!!

    i had winxp and suse linux9.1,when i deleted the linux partition from disk mgmt the remaning fat partitions got deleted too!except the root drive i.e c:.
  10. phatratt

    Kindly Help Guys!!! Hard disk space lost!!!

    u did'nt loose any space,win xp can't recgonise linux partitions.If u are not using linux anymore then u need to convert its filesystem to fat or ntfs by using 3rd party software like partition magic.
  11. phatratt

    Disallowing access to partitions

    yes,its possible,if u r using win2k or xp u can convert the drives to ntfs filesystem which has lot of security features,it gives options to permit/deny access to users.
  12. phatratt

    3 Harddisk Crashed in 1 Hour

    earthing has got nothing to with it,i used to get shock when ever i touched my cabinet or any metal parts inside and hdd are still working fine.
  13. phatratt

    mouse problem

    then th problem could be with the ps2 port,it could be damaged,try using a usb mouse or a serial port one.
  14. phatratt

    10 Games to Keep Your Child Away From

    people can become deranged killers after playing these games.Postal is the worst among the list,kill innocent people,pee on them,pour kerosene and burn them and lot more stuff that can be very disturbing.
  15. phatratt

    Share Your Computer Jokes Here

    Re: *^^All jokes,homour & light talk here^^* haha,nice thread,but pls no non-veg stuff:D jokes only related to computers and technology only would be nice. here's one An Internet Geeks Prayer Help me log-on without fretting Guide me as i'm internetting Bless my downloading and uploading Keep...
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