Recent content by Paratrooper

  1. Paratrooper

    Game You are Currently Addicted to

    As far as I is a PSP game ?
  2. Paratrooper

    British Military Hacker to Be Extradited to the U.S.

    Dude... see... it is just that I thought I should answer you cause that was my profession you were talking about.... I am not fighting with you... Just trying to answer your questions if you have any.... Please dont get worked up on account of this...
  3. Paratrooper

    Game You are Currently Addicted to

    Crysis !! I know m late..but i got my holidays jst now !!!
  4. Paratrooper

    British Military Hacker to Be Extradited to the U.S.

    LOL dude..tell me what do you know about automation of Indian Army... I shall answers ur questions to the best of my limits... Not fighting or flaming dude... Just clearing up ... Shoot !
  5. Paratrooper

    Optimising Help Needed !!

    Ohh ... Hmm I looked in the driver CD they gave me... it just the drivers and PDF manuals... nothing else... Maybe you could gimme a link ?? It would be quite helpful...:) thanks !
  6. Paratrooper

    Optimising Help Needed !!

    Hey guys.. I could use your help on this ... Being in the army forces me to be in god forsaken places.... I really dont have any option rather than to use a reliance wireless modem.... Is there any way to optimise this connection... as I have seen many threads pertaning to broadband...
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