Recent content by nimbus_007

  1. nimbus_007

    Laptop buying

    don't go for Hp..!! the build quality is too crapy. Choose from Dell or Acer.
  2. nimbus_007

    Need help in choosing BSNL broadband for multiplayer gaming

    Here is the deal... as the above people say that 256 is good for online gaming (i really doubt it..) Go for Bsnl 750 or Airtel 800 Unlimited 256 KBPS plans. Airtel will take initial installation charges over 3k so if u can afford that go for it. Or Get the BSNL plan and take a wireless...
  3. nimbus_007

    Need help in choosing BSNL broadband for multiplayer gaming

    Multiplayer gaming thats tough.... let me clear few things for u, Bsnl has disconnection issues if we use it on full speed for 10 to 20 Min it will disconnect. If u really want online gaming go for any other than BSNL. Or check with the local BSNL office and ask them if the disconnection problem...
  4. nimbus_007

    is this the right time to buy a new laptop???

    Ya its the right time... the prices r low and can good config for the amount ur Spending
  5. nimbus_007

    Intersted in Dell XPS Studio 16. Any other suggestions?

    I have ordered the Dell XPS Studio 16 last week... There some shipment problem so wait for one more week before u place ur order... There is no other laptop in this price range... which has the same config and quality.. I added 4 gb 64bit os and lether sleeve and TV turner card. My...
  6. nimbus_007

    Remote Desktop application needed ???

    Go check out Team Viewer its very nice... U will just love it
  7. nimbus_007

    Going to buy Dell Studio XPS 16

    @damn Toshiba Qosmio G50 is a low config lappie and it does not have built in bluetooth and its 2.0 gz processor with 250 gb hard disk... and 18.4 is not a lappy its a freaking TV
  8. nimbus_007

    BSNL Night Free Using Technique

    Vikram I am a BSNL 500c user..... Reconnect has a Trojan Virus in it so i prefer don't use it.. If u want to automate ur system to connect to internet i will surely like to help u.. u don't have to use any softwares. You can do this by your OS itself. I don't know about waking up from...
  9. nimbus_007

    Going to buy Dell Studio XPS 16

    @supercow.... U own a dell studio 16 XPS laptop ???? bro can u say how is the keyboard and Display...??? if u can post some of ur original pictures of the keyboard and lcd that will really help me a lot.... R u from hyd ??? @Ashu... Ya man this decision is very tough to make.... As soo...
  10. nimbus_007

    Going to buy Dell Studio XPS 16

    You changed my mind....... again..!!!!!!! At first i was going to buy a Desktop.... Then i changed to laptop and now i am think all over again..... actually the Dell Studio XPS 16 model is 68k i added sleave and tv turner card the price went to 73k.... And i enquired about DV4 lappy and...
  11. nimbus_007

    Going to buy Dell Studio XPS 16

    Guys.................... I finally decided to get a lappy Dell Studio XPS 16 the total cost is 73K.. If any one likes to comment of the lappy it would surely help me.. Plz give ur valuable suggestions before i buy. If any one brought the Dell Studio XPS please comment about the...
  12. nimbus_007

    Help Building Killer Gaming CPU: Budget 70K

    If u really want Kick Ass gaming system go for Dell XPS Factory build i am sure that u will get most of it.,
  13. nimbus_007

    Cartoon Network Channel Then & Now ?

    Guys Its nice to see so many of cartoon lovers, I was a huge addict of Cartoon Network i used to watch most of the series....... but CN is CN they did not end any of the series which i liked DragonBallz Grander Musashi and there was one more and i need ur help to find out the name of the...
  14. nimbus_007

    Dell 430 Desktop Or Dell Studio XPS 16 Lappy

    What ur saying is correct dude but the all the config i am getting is close to what is being offered by dell..... I want to decrease the price to 50 K and go for a assembled Gaming Rig that would really help me if u can give me a good config for 50 k Instead of I7 i can go for quard core...
  15. nimbus_007

    Dell 430 Desktop Or Dell Studio XPS 16 Lappy

    Hi guys i am an ENGG final year student, i am a good gamer also.... Now here is what i am not able to decide.. I want a gaming rig i went through few system topics in this forum and found that Dell 430 XPS desktop is as same as the config around here... (even better if i say) but the cost is...
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