Recent content by Leonardemarco

  1. L


    I think you are missing the point Microsoft is not crazy to price their software as high as the angels' shoulders and worry about the asian subcontinent because of a few million people who crack the original versions to pirated ones and sell them for less than a couple of dimes. But in the...
  2. L

    Max Payne in real pain

    Have tried forceware no results!!!
  3. L

    Max Payne in real pain

    Tried that and there's no sign of success. Now this started occuring ever since I started usin my new graphics card (GeForce FX5700 LE) 128 mb. Can anyone tell me if you've had any problems with similiar cards.
  4. L

    USB driver problem !!!!!!!!

    Hello, My problem is that my System does not detect my USB card reader. There seems to be a problem with the USB drivers and the installation of drivers do not perform well. My motherboard is a i845GBF Any Ideas?
  5. L

    Max Payne in real pain

    Hello thanks for the replies I'm not running a mod and to the uninitiated, i've tried about atleast 6 uninstalls with seperate solutions and also reinstalled win xp twice suspecting some fault with the registry
  6. L

    Max Payne in real pain

    Done that........................ a couple of times Still hangs !!!!!!!!! :oops:
  7. L

    Max Payne in real pain

    Thanks for the replies Ctrl_Alt_Del and Kato the game Maxpayne 1 is the trouble maker. Max Payne 2 works just fine. The step by step analysis is that when I click to launch the primary screen opens to give me options to select resolution and other graphic details and even if I select the least...
  8. L

    Max Payne in real pain

    Hello, I've got a problem running Max Payne on the system I run. Now before you say I'm an old timer you're never too old for Max. and if you were to say I'm outdated thats not true either 'cause Ive got a GeForce Fx 5700 LE 128 Mb with a 512 MB RAM and a 200 GB Drive on a i845GBF motherboard...
  9. L


    Hello, I share a similair fate as mrintech does but have given up on that mission and went on to buy the Diaz' holdings and finally got stuck with the mission "Painkiller" Mentioned I must say I'd have to add a lot of llllllllllll and ffffffffffff to his comment. is there a site to get...
  10. L

    Max Payne

    I recently upgraded my graphics card from a Mercury Geforce MX 440 64 mb to a GeForce FX 5700LE. Ever since no matter what patch I try I am not able to play Max Payne because it never loads. Meanwhile it neatly plays Max Payne 2. Anybody knows what??
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